Chap 24 - Hot Stuff and Chocolate

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Hey guys! I said that they will not be having school on Thursday and Friday but I changed it. If you want you can go and read chap 22 again. Otherwise everything else is same. Sorry for the inconvenience. Now on with the chapter....

The next morning I woke up with dark circles. Can you blame me that I couldn't sleep last night? It's Aaron's fault. After our little moment, we came back home. I tried not to make the situation awkward and I guess we both are good now.

But I don't know what that kiss meant

Fuck. Why am I fussing over a kiss? It's just a kiss. Get over it Shaira. I mentally scolded myself and got ready to go to hell. I took out a white crop top with black high waisted shorts and a black cardigan with some converse and a messy bun. I am feeling so lazy. I dragged myself down the stairs to my bike and hopped on it. The cold air refreshed me a bit and I felt a lot more better. By the time, I reached the school first period had already ended and now was the start of second period. I had Language now with Alicia which was good.

I entered the class and sat beside Alicia at the back of the class. I took my seat and the teacher was glaring at me with her face red.

"I know I am hot but no need to stare at me like that. It's creepy." I disappointed remarked, shaking my head. Her face turned red but this time because of embarrassment and the whole class laughed while I had a smirk on my face. She gave the students a look and the laughter died down and she continued her blabbing.

"Bitch that was epic." Alicia laughed and I grinned.

"Thanks motherfucker. I know I am awesome." I flipped my hair and laughed. She glared at me before we both burst out laughing.

"What are you both laughing about? Would you mind to share?" The teacher asked placing her hands on her hip.

"Sure. We were just talking about you. How your face turned red from embarrassment. It was really funny to see." I replied and she exploded.

"Both of you out of my class. DETENTION." I shrugged and took my bag while Alicia took her own.

"Better than your rambling." I muttered, slamming the door shut and walked out with her to our lockers.

"Fuck..... I-I can't s-stop laughing-g." Alicia clutched her stomach while laughing and I kept the books inside my locker. After her laughing session was done and she was back to normal again.

"Hey can I come to your house? It's been a long time since we spend some quality time."I asked and she nodded her head with a grin on her face. The bell rang and the empty halls were now filled with students.

I was taking out my books when the girls arrived.

"Bitch, heard you fucked up Mrs Jones." Riley said and I grimaced.

"She will be too lucky if I fuck her Whore." I jested.

"I wonder if she even shaves." Laura thoughtfully said and I shivered in disgust.

"Shut the fuck up Slut. That's disgusting." Sam gagged. Laura glared at her and I laughed at their childish behaviour.

As if you are any better

You are also a part of me. So fucking shut up.

And as you can guess we bunked the third period and now it was lunch. I am fucking hungry. We all went to the cafeteria, placed our orders and sat our table. Soon the boys joined us and sat down. Chris sat with Alicia, Ryan with Sam, Jake with Laura , Zain with Riley and Aaron beside me.

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