Chap 2 - New entry

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Sam Way as Aaron

I tried to move but something firm was resisting me from doing so. Opening my eyes, I saw Mason lying on his stomach with his hair a mess and his mouth slightly open . I smiled thinking about last night. Mason always satisfied me no matter what.

"Like what you see?" He opened his eyes wearily.

"If I didn't then I wouldn't be looking at you like that." He chuckled, his voice husky and it was sexy.I unlocked my phone to see its almost 7:30.

"We should get up its time to go." I informed, untangling myself from him to which he groaned.

"It's torture." I laughed and went to take a shower. I turned on the shower , taking my vanilla scented shampoo I rubbed it on my scalp. Washing it off, I wrapped a towel around my body .

I walked out of the bathroom to see Mason already dressed in his previous clothes. He smiled when he saw me coming out.

"I will see you later." I nodded and he kissed me . I walked towards my closet and took out a white crop top which went just past my boob and showed of my belly piercing and a pair of denim shorts . I combed my hair and applied lipgloss and slipped into a pair of sneakers.

I took my keys and went to the love of my life, my car. I parked my car in the school parking lot and hopped off . The stares and glares were not unnoticed by me. I went to my locker to see the girls already standing there with a boy. I couldn't see him because his back was facing me but his built looked really familiar. As I went near, I recognised the boy . He gave me one of his charming smile.

"Hey bitch!" I wrapped my arms around him and he chuckled.

"Jake! I missed you so much." I exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

"I missed you too." I pulled away with a huge grin on my face . Jake was quite a looker with his black hair and stunning figure. But he was a fuckboy, a pretty good one too.

I was so engrossed in talking with him that I didn't notice the other boys.

"These are my friends. Ryan, Chris and Aaron." Jake introduced them to us.

Ryan had dark hair and was wearing a blue jeans with a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Chris had black hair. The dark washed jeans with a grey coloured tshirt suited him well. Aaron had light brown hair and dark eyes that were intense. I found it hard to look away from his eyes. They held mine captive. I racked my eyes up and down his figure checking him out in the process. He was wearing a white tshirt with light blue jeans and a jacket. He was attractive.

"Hey, I am Shaira." I shook hands with each of them and they smiled politely to me. The bell rang signalling the start of our first period which happens to be chemistry for Laura and I.

"Please tell me you guys haven't been getting into trouble in my absence." As you see he is Alicia's brother, Jake Johnson .He used to go to another school but he just shifted here. He treats us like his sisters and is extremely protective which is why Alicia is still a virgin. I don't know how she is still a Virgin considering how she is able to catch everyone's attention without even trying. Basically, all my girls were beautiful and we were proud of it.

"We can't tell you that." Laura winked at him.

We all went to our own separate classes . Considering my classes started with Mr Green, I was hoping for
today to be a lot more better than yesterday. He was an awesome teacher with a cute dimpled smile and amazing personality. I took notes from the board and chatted with Laura. The next few classes flew by a blur as I just passed my time listening to music or dozing off and maybe skipped one or two classes.

Finally, it was lunch time. Food yes! Food is bae. Ryan and I were walking to our table where the others were talking and laughing . Let me tell you , Ryan is so fucking funny. I had a lot of fun with him on my fourth period.

"Yo." I joined the conversation, sitting beside Alicia.

"How come you are so chirpy today?" Jake asked shoving some fries in his mouth.

"Well, I had a lot of fun on the fourth period. Maybe that's why." I took a sip from my coke and watched as everyone choked on their food except for Aaron, Ryan and Chris.

"What?! Shaira Evans enjoyed a class?" Riley shouted from beside Zain. He covered his ears and made faces at her which caused Riley to slap him on the back of his head.

"No I enjoyed it because I had a lot of fun with Ryan." I took a glance at Aaron to see him perk up at this and frown in curiosity. He looked cute with that frown on his face as he nervously shifted. What am I saying?

We chatted and I got to know a lot more about the boys . Ryan was the funny, sarcastic one while Aaron was the shy and nerdy one. Chris, on the other hand was the quiet but mature one in their group. The bell rang and I made my way to my locker to take my books for the next period which was Literature. I fucking hate literature especially as we were reading Romeo and Juliet. It sucks.

I was late for the class and Miss Jones screamed at me to which I showed her the middle finger. Like really bitch I am like two minutes late. I went and sat at the back of the class. Aaron was sitting infront of me and he turned back a bit as I sat down . I gave him a smile which he returned and faced the front to copy the notes. I was feeling really lazy and it was so fucking boring . I took my phone and plugged in my headphones and started listening to music. Miss Jones ignored me and I didn't care if she saw me with my phone or not . Who cares, the most she is going to do is give me detention which I can easily handle without any problem. The bell rang and I thanked the lord for it. Listening to her rambling had me gone almost crazy and one day my ears were going to bleed by listening to her bullshit lectures.

The next two classes were done pretty quickly mainly cause I slept in both of them and now I was currently on the parking lot talking with the girls.

"Lets go and hangout today." Alicia suggested to which the girls nodded .

"Ok, we will have a movie night at my house." I replied, they agreed and walked to their own cars . I got inside my baby and put the car on ignition. The car roared back to life and I drove off to my house.


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