Chap 33 - Blindfold

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"Get the fuck in." He yelled and shoved me in the car, making me cry from the pain that shot through my body. Currently, they were taking me to where he decided to meet Jace so that he can get the money and I as a show piece which they can threaten if something happens. Doors were closed and the engine started. I could feel two presence sitting on each side of me. I couldn't see anything from being blindfolded.

I was scared.

Scared for Jace and myself.

This might be my last day on earth and I never expected it to be like this. The issue was not money rather the cause it would be used for. Drugs. He wants the money so that he can sell and buy drugs which he is completely addicted to. If he was caught by any chance then we would be in trouble as it all would be done in our names and banks accounts. Last night he came after Elizabeth's session and told me.

"Since you decided to be a bitch and not listen, I called my dear Nephew in private and guess what, he agreed to give the money and now all your hard work went down the drain. All the beatings were fucking useless. So I thought to come and give you some adventure in your boring life. What say?"

The beating started and as usual I passed out from exhaustion and pain. But a guy came and cleaned my wounds which hurt like a fücking bitch. What I am really worried about is what's going to happen? I hope Jace doesn't do anything careless especially my crazy ass friends. If they knew this which I am sure they do, they would convince Jace to come and might even do things behind his back. You never know whats going through their minds.

I don't want anyone to get hurt. One thing is for sure, I am going to miss these fuckers when I die. How do I know that I am going to die? Cause he told me that just as he will take the money, a bullet will enter my head, killing me in less than a second.

I am going to miss Aaron.

I am going to miss that cute, nerdy scaredy cat, who cooks food for me, tuitors me and decided that it would be good to steal my heart and make me crazy for him. I didn't even get to spend time with him and do all the cheesy stuffs that couples nowadays love and do. For the first time, I wanted to give someone a chance but I myself don't have time and what if he doesn't even like me that much and it's only a stupid crush.

Whatever it is, I am going to miss him a lot.

My thoughts were interrupted when the car stopped and some one dragged me out, holding my upper arm to make me stand as I couldn't walk properly. My blindfold was still there and I couldn't even remove them because my hands were tied from behind with tight ropes that were bruising my skin more than it already was.


"I want you to keep a look out and if anything happens inform me." He ordered and a few 'yes' were heard. One of his weakness was that his men were just street boys and goons who couldn't fight properly. Staying there for so Long, I knew this information and I hope it might help us a bit.

I feel so helpless.

They dragged me a Long way and occasionally I lost my footing and fell down which caused me to get a hard slap on my face. Every passing minute, I was getting nervous and my hands were getting clammy. Abruptly they stopped and wanked me a bit forward.

"Where are they?" He asked and after a few moment a guy replied."They are close, sir." The guy kept a tight hold on me making sure that I don't escape. It was pin dropped silence but that was soon ruined when the sound of car engine dying down was heard. My heart started beating wildly. I started fidgeting and struggling making the guy tighten his hold on me.
The footsteps got louder and suddenly stopped.

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