Chap 38 - Trust & Love

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"Aaron!" I yelled jumping on his back before he had the opportunity to turn around. He swiftly caught me wrapping my legs around his waist.

"I am finally free." I kissed him hard on the cheek and he chuckled.

"How was it?"

"It was damn easy. Only took me one hour to finish." I rambled on and on about the exam and he listened like he always did. In case you are thinking I have gone crazy, then you are right I have been giving exams continuously for two weeks so you can say I have officially gone mad and today being the last one doesn't even help me control my madness.

"Do you wanna go to my house or yours?" He asked putting me down and opened the door.

"I want to go to McDonalds." I replied slipping into the passenger seat.

"McDonalds it is." He closed the door and jogged to the other side and sat on the Drivers seat.


"Yes baby?"

"I am hungry."



"Oh I didn't know." He chuckled taking a hold of my hand while I pouted. I sighed as he pulled into the driveway.

"Took you years to drive here."

I took his hand and dragged him in as I couldn't control my hunger any longer.
We took a seat beside the window and a waiter arrived greeting us or should I say me.

"Hello. How are you today? What would you like to order?" He sweetly asked. Too much sweet to get cavity I tell you. I didn't smile or anything just ordered two big cheese burgers with large fries, a coke for me and water for Aaron.

"Anything else?" He asked with a smirk. How I wanted to remove that smirk?

"No nothing else. Now stop flirting with my girl and fuck off." Aaron yelled but not too loudly for others to hear and the guy left us alone immediately. I guess Aaron's angry face scared him. Usually, he is very calm but you piss him off then you better run. I also felt a weird sensation when he called me his girl. Yeah, I know we are dating but still it makes feel a bit dizzy in a good way. I am turning into a fucking teenager.

"Chill, babe." I held his hand and he took deep breaths calming himself down. Then we talked until our order came and I started shoving the burger down my throat. After we were done, we left for my house cause I was fucking tired and needed to take a shower.

"I am gonna go take a shower." I yelled as I ran up the stairs to my room.

"Alright, I will be downstairs." He yelled back.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes and took a short warm shower and changed into a Long t-shirt with some shorts. He seemed to be watching tv so I took my phone from the charger and ringed Alicia up.


"You motherfucker, how much more fucking time do you need?" I whispered and I could hear noises coming from the back ground as she yelled at someone.

"These fuckers don't know shit and you fucking yell at me!" She yelled at me as I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"I can't hold him back from more than 2 hours. It's already 7 now. What the fuck are you guys doing from the last three hours?" I yelled back as she replied.

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