Chap 7 - Back on track

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I opened the door of my house of see Aaron standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Can I come in?" I nodded my head and he walked inside as I closed the door.

"So what are you here for?" He didnt answer rather walked towards me. I backed away with every step he took until my back hit the door. He smirked and placed both of his arms beside my head , trapping me. My heart was beating fast and butterflies exploded in my stomach.

He started to lean in "W-What are you doing?" I asked my hands getting sweaty with each passing moment.

"What I should have done a long time ago?" With that he crashed his lips on mine. The kiss was hot and fiery filled with lust and anticipation. He fiercely moved his lips on mine and I immediately responded. He wrapped my legs on his waist and started to grind his hips against mine. I tugged on his hair which caused him to groan and grind more harder. I could feel his excitement . He had one of his arm around my waist while with the other he continued to explore my body. He pulled away from the hard kiss and we both were breathing heavily. I opened my eyes and he smirked.

I jolted up from my bed , panting and thinking about the dream I had. Fuck i am getting a bit too much horny these days. I gotta control my hormones. But why the fuck did I dream about Aaron? Why not Mason or Zach? I think I have gone mad. Really Shaira you just dreamt about you and Aaron making out. Damn! I gotta control myself.

Sun rays passing through the curtains woke me up. I got up from my bed. Hopping into the shower, I scrubbed every inch of my body before wrapping a towel and went to the closet. I slipped into a white cotton crop top with leather shorts and a leather jacket. I paired it with a silver necklace and some black bracelets. I brushed my hair and a light pink lipstick. I took my bag from my desk and my car keys.

I locked the door and hopped in my baby. The car roared back to life and I drove off to hell. As usual I parked my car in its place and saw Alicia getting out of Chris's car. She walked towards me with Chris hot on her heels.

"Hey bitch. How are you?" She said as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I followed her.

"You are asking me how I am, when you are the one getting out of your boyfriend's car." She blushed as I said Boyfriend and Chris awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. I chuckled at their expression.

"I will meet you guys later." We nodded and he walked away but not before pecking Alicia's cheek. She turned red and I smirked.

"How is Jake dealing with your relationship?" I asked her walking through the entrance.

"At first he went ballistic but after threatening Chris that he would kill him if he ever hurt me, then he was calm and cool with it." I laughed and she punched my arm. Jake isn't very violent but when it comes to us girls he is really protective especially if it's with guys. Though he doesn't like the fact that I sleep with different boys , he doesn't say anything cause those boys don't mean anything to me. He is really nice but trust me you never wanna get on his bad side. The bell rang and students started to go their classes. The hall was pretty much empty now. We both went to our lockers and took out the books. I slammed my locker shut and turned to Alicia.

"I will see you after class." I said and started walking to Literature class. What a good way to start my day?

As I entered the class , the teacher was already explaining stupid things. I rolled my eyes and sat down in the back of the class beside Aaron. He looked up and smiled at me. Wow what's wrong with him today? I returned the smile back though a bit suspicious about his behaviour and opened my book.

A few minutes later, he pushed a note book in my direction with something written on it.

I am sorry for ignoring you yesterday

I wrote what I wanted to and pushed it back towards him.

Why were you ignoring me and others yesterday?

I had a bad day and I didn't feel like socialising so that's why I ignored you guys.

It's ok!

He smiled and I returned it back. The rest of the class I copied notes and passed chits to Aaron. It was fun, I am glad that we are friends again now.


Sorry for the short chap guys. What do you think about this chap? Especially the dream. Do you want Aaron's POV ?

Ques: tight clothes or baggy/loose clothes

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