Chap 8 - Party time

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Wade Poezyn as Chris

"Hey you are going to the party tonight?" Ryan asked.

"What party?" I asked back looking at the girls. They all had a knowing look about this 'party'. As you see we are all now sitting at our table and eating lunch.

"Mason's throwing a party tonight." Zain replied and my mouth formed an 'o' shape.

"But he didn't tell me that he's throwing a party." Just as I said this my phone ringed showing a message from Mason. Speak of the devil.

"Hey! You are coming tonight?"

"Yeah" I replied and kept my phone inside. It was Friday that's why Mason was throwing a party.

"Who was it?" Jake asked. He can get really annoying sometimes.

"Mason" The bell rang and we all got up and went to our lockers.

"We will be coming to your house as Aaron is your neighbour, the boys will be going to his house later." Riley said and we all went to our History class. Finally some girls time. We all sat at the back - Laura , Sam, me, Riley and Alicia-and started talking.

"Yo! Laura, Imma have something to ask you." Alicia said as the teacher entered the class. She had a serious look on her face which meant that something is wrong.

"Does Jake like you or something?" Everyone turned to Laura with a shocked expression but I was not shocked as I was kinda expecting it.

"W-What?" She stuttered which confirmed our doubt. Whenever Laura stutters it means that she is hiding something or something is wrong.We all gave her the poker face ,daring her to lie to us.

" Sexual tension." She sighed. Alicia nodded her head and muttered some curses.

"Why?What happened?" Sam enquired and Alicia glared at her.

"If she becomes my Sister-in-law in future. I will not stop calling her names. My bro is gonna go ballistic." I rolled my eyes and Laura was blushing furiously. Sam nudged her and she blushed more. We all laughed and 'awed' at her.

"If you guys don't want to get detention, it would be better if you stop laughing." The teacher scolded and we muttered a sorry but our Low laughs started again as she turned around. Guess what happened later? We got detention! When we are together we always get detention. Pretty obvious.

After some more useless blabbing and detention. I was finally home laying in my bed and checking Instagram. I closed my phone and went to the washroom to take a shower as it was already 5 and the party starts at 7. A long shower later, I was standing in front of my closet thinking reflecting about what to wear. I rummaged through my closet and took out a black v- neck dress . It reached mid thigh showing off the accurate amount of cleavage. I changed into the dress and did my makeup. I used a light brown eyeshadow and did a winged eye with light pink lipstick and a bit of lipgloss on top. I straightened my hair and let it fall back to my waist and wore a black choker with diamonds and paired it with black wedges. Just as I was done getting ready the door bell rang and I opened the door to be greeted by hug.

"Damn bitch you look smoking." Alicia squealed and I smirked. She was wearing a red dress with an open back and it reached her knees with her hair in waves and minimum makeup.

Laura was wearing a black top with a silver shimmery tight skirt and her hair was straight making her look beautiful. Sam and Riley both were looking great with their white and blue dresses. Over all we, girls looked like supermodels.

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