Chap 19 - Personal chef

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Thanks to @Stella-R-K for making this beautiful cover. Guys go and follow her. She makes really good covers.

I jumped on my bed and sighed. Today was so fucking useless. I had to do a lot of work,got a new tutor and now I am tired as hell. As it was 4 and Aaron was coming at 7 I decided to take a power nap so that i will have some energy afterwards. With that I pulled the covers and fell into a much needed peaceful sleep.

(2 hours later)

After i woke up, I quickly took a shower and wore a oversized t-shirt that reached my knees and some shorts. I  went to the kitchen to satisfy my grumbling stomach. I brought the groceries yesterday so there was everything but I didn't feel like eating anything heavy so I made a Nutella sandwich and finished it in time as the bell rang. I wiped my hands, pulled my hair into a messy bun while walking and opened the door to Aaron in his sweatpants and black t-shirt with some flip flops.

"Hello, how nice of you to come." I said in a terrible  maccent and he jokingly replied.

"Why? Thank you. May I come in?" I opened the door wide enough for him and said.

"Yes yes come in." He entered and I closed the door.

I walked towards the kitchen followed by Aaron.

"Wait I'll just bring my books." He sat down on one of the chairs of the dining table which was empty and nodded. I got my math book and copy along with the pens and other required things and went to the kitchen.

"Let's start." I sighed but started listening to Aaron.

"This is how you do it." He said and looked at me.

"It is quite easy." I mumbled and he nodded his head.

"I thought it's going to take me ages to make you to understand these Maths." He let out a breath and I yelled.

"Hey! I am not that bad." He smirked.

"Sure you are not. What is 6 plus 7? Oh yes I forgot its 15. You are such a genius." He teased and I huffed which caused him to laugh. I guess I am bad at Maths but who cares. The door bell rang and I frowned. Who can come now? I got off the chair and walked to the door. I opened it to see.

"Zach? What are you doing here now?" I asked frowning at him. Why is he here now?

"Um hi, I... I came to give you this." He extended his arm to bring out a bag.

"What's this?" I took the bag from his hand opened it to see a jersey or more specifically Zach's jersey.

"This is my basketball jersey , I want you to wear it tomorrow at the game. Please wear it. Please." He said with his pleading eyes and I found myself giving into them.

"Ok I will." His face broke out into a ear to ear smile and he hugged me.

"Thanks then I will see you tomorrow. Bye." He kissed my cheek and turned back to his car and drove off. I closed the door and turned around to see Aaron.

"Who was it?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No one ." I lied cause I didn't want to tell him that it was Zach. I noticed that whenever Zach was around he was always really alert and tensed so I didn't want to tell him. I put the bag on my bed upstairs and ran down to the kitchen.

"So what should w-" he was cut off by his phone ringing. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered the call.

"Hi... Yes I have been taking care of myself. I miss you too. Yeah, love you. Bye ." He cut the call, slipping his phone inside his jeans pocket.

"Who was it?" I questioned feeling curious as to who the person was whom he said 'love you' to.

"My mum." He shrugged and my mouth formed a 'ooh'.

"What should we do? I am hungry." I whined rubbing my stomach in circular motions.

"Do you like spicy food?" I vigorously nodded my head and he chuckled.

"Let's see what you have in your fridge."

He took out the beef from the fridge and cooked it using different spices which names I don't remember. I am clueless when it comes to cooking (which is true by the way). Then he used the flour and made a bread like thing which he refused to tell me. After about an hour he was done and smell of food was all round the kitchen and it made me more hungry.

"Is it done?" I asked getting impatient, it was looking so good which made me want to Attack it. The beef curry looked delicious and the bread thingy were round and thin.

"Yes it's done." He took the plates and carried it to the dining table. I quickly went and sat on the chair eyeing them hungrily and licked my lips.

I touched the bread to place it on my plate but retreated my hand feeling it burning hot.

"Easy there." I pouted and he sat beside me and slowly put the bread on the plate with the curry. He tore out a piece of bread and dipped it in the curry and put it infront of my mouth. I immediately opened my mouth not caring that he was feeding me.

"This is so delicious." I moaned as I ate the first piece making him chuckle.

"Thank you." He fed me another piece and then another but he was not eating himself.

"You are not eating." I asked and he shook his head. I rolled my eyes and held a piece of bread dipped in curry in front of his mouth.

"No I-." I cut him off with a hard glare.

"Eat it." He slowly opened his mouth and I fed him.

"You should be Glad that I am sharing this heaven with you." I told and held another piece infront of his mouth. He too followed.

"I feel honoured." He retorted and I replied back with.

"You should." The rest of the time we both fed each other, talked and for the first time it felt nice to have someone care about you and spent time with you. It felt nice after all these years spent alone in this house.

"Thanks I really had fun today. Especially the food." I patted my full stomach.

"No problem I also had fun today." He said.

"I guess I will go now. Good night prankster." I laughed

"Good night scaredy cat." I smiled and he looked back smilingly as I closed the door when he got in and sighed. Well I guess today really wasn't that much useless and I hope these tutoring lessons will bring us both close. I might also get to eat to those fab foods and I must tell that he is really good cook but don't tell him that I told you, would only boost his ego.

I closed the door of my bedroom and unlocked my phone to see that today was 26 September and tomorrow it will be 27 which means that tomorrow is an important day as it is the day I lost the most precious persons in my life. Tomorrow is the day I became an orphan.


Hi guys, It's a short and boring chap but the next ones will be interesting. Hopefully 😅How did you like the chap?Aaron and Shaira had their moments. Aaron is so cute. Share your thoughts.

Thanks for 300 reads it really means a lot. Thank u so much. I want to tell something.

Question:Any ship names for Aaron and Shaira?? Or the other couples??

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