Chap 9 - Fifty Shades Darker

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Diego Barrueco as Ryan(Ignore the tattoo)

My head was throbbing and my whole body ached."Ughh." I groaned opening my eyes and slowly sat up. This hungover is killing me! I was wearing yesterday nights clothes. I went to my closet and took out a oversized tshirt. I slipped out of the dress and took off my bra as it was irritating me and slipped into the tshirt. Slowly opening my bedroom, I walked down the stairs to the kitchen to find Tylenol. Shoes were scattered everywhere which meant that everyone must have crashed over here last night.

I went to the kitchen to see a shirtless Aaron standing by the counter. His delicious abs were on display which made dirty images appear in my mind. He poured some water in his mouth from a bottle and turned to see me. He looked me up and down then gulped down the water. I watched as some droplets dribbled down his sharp jaw to his chest.

"What are you doing so early?" He asked as he placed the water bottle on the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. God his muscles.

"I am having a killer headache so I came to find some Tylenol." I rubbed my temple, trying to soothe the pain. He passed me two Tylenol and the water bottle. Our hands brushed against as i took the medicine from his hand and it sent shivers down my spine. Control. I gulped down the medicine and relaxed at the cool sensation of water. I looked towards the clock to see it was only 6:54 so I decided to go to bed.

"I am gonna hit the hay. See ya." I turned and quickly walked up the stairs as I would not be able to handle all the hotness. I hopped on my bed and pulled the covers over me and fell asleep with the shirtless image of Aaron. What is this boy?

(4:50 pm)

I opened my eyes as I heard groans and voices coming from downstairs. Guess they are all awake. I took a quick shower and wore an oversized tshirt and short shorts. I entered the hall to see everyone lying on the floor or couch groaning and moaning, holding their head. I laughed at the scene.

"How are my babies today?" I chirped and they groaned more louder.

" I fucking swear if you don't stop talking then Imma gonna kick your ass." Alicia half drunk threatened me and I shook my head. She is really cranky when she gets a hungover.

I took out a packet of Tylenol and water bottle from the kitchen and gave it to all of them. After half an hour the groans stopped and everyone went to take a shower. I sat on the couch and placed my feet on the coffee table with my right leg crossed over my left one. I opened Instagram and saw the pictures of last night. Someone recorded our dance performance of last night and posted it. It got 502 likes and 134 comments.

Damn that's sexy!
Go girls!
Can I have a dance with you guys?
You look great Shaira.
That fine ass!

I chuckled reading the comments and just then Aaron came and sat on one of the love seats.

"Aaron." He looked up from his phone.

"What happened last night? I don't remember anything after the shot round we had." It actually was true I don't remember anything what happened after the round we had. I hope I didn't do anything embarrassing.

"Well after that you kinda knocked out and the guys were also drunk. I took you and the girls first to the car then dropped you guys. After that I went again and got the guys back. I was really tired so I crashed in one of your guest room with Chris." I nodded my head.

"So I didn't do anything embarrassing." He hesitated a bit and I felt my suspicion grow.

"Nope you didn't do anything embarrassing. Otherwise I would have dropped you over there and came back home myself." I laughed at his remark and then slowly everyone started to come and soon they all were here.

"Let's watch a movie." Ryan suggested and Sam looked at us with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Fifty shades darker." She squealed and the boys covered their ears.

"What no? We are not watching that." Aaron whined and the boys agreed.

"We don't give a damn, we are watching it that's final." The boys huffed but agreed. I got the popcorn and blankets while Sam set up the movie.

Chris, Alicia, Jake and Laura were cuddled up in two of the love seats. Ryan, Sam and Riley were sitting in one of the couches leaving me the only spot beside Aaron. I passed them the blankets and bowls of popcorn and sat down beside him. The lights were turned off giving us the theatre vibe. The movie started and I snuggled into the blanket with Aaron. All through the movie the boys awkwardly kept shifting due the sexual tension in the air.

"If you don't stop moving them I am going to kick you out of this seat."Alicia  yelled at Chris.

" It's not my fault that you guys are watching this movie." He whined and we all laughed except the boys as they all were suffering. The movie was good and the guys breathed out a sigh as it ended.

"Damn that was good." I said as the screen went blank.

"It was amazing. I really want a Christian Grey now." Laura whined and Riley agreed with her.

"You are not getting any Christian Grey. You are only getting me and don't think about any other guy." Jake possessively pulled her on his lap and I whistled.

"Someone is jealous." He glared at me and Ryan teased him about how whipped he was.

"We are watching Conjuring 2 now." I said and got up from the couch and started the DVD.

"Thank god." Chris blew out a breathe. Aaron visibly paled at the name of horror. Someone is scared of horror movies. We were snuggled up against each other as the movie started. The guys were more scared than us. They were literally hiding behind us and let's not talk about Aaron. He pulled me onto his lap and would hide his face in the crook of my neck whenever a scary scene rolled on. Not that I mind sitting on his lap but it was funny to see him scared and all. It felt good in a weird sense.

A suspense scene came, I was on the edge and sucked in a breath when Aaron tightened his grip on my waist and buried his face in my neck and breathed out. His hot breath on my neck was making me hot but I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles, he relaxed a bit and placed his chin on my shoulder.

"Aahhhhh." I jumped up as Chris screamed when he saw the last scary part. The movie finished but Aaron's face was still buried in my neck.

"You guys are fücking pigs." Riley yelled and Jake glared at her. Aaron pulled away as Chris turned on the lights. I slowly got off his lap and sat beside him.

"Sorry about that." He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.

"No prob. Who wants pizza?" I asked and everyone raised their hands. I ordered four large pizzas. What? Don't judge, a girl gotta eat. After eating and gushing about Fifty Shades Darker we went to sleep. Sleep is life.


Hey bookworms! How are you? How was the chap? I am trying to make Shaira and Aaron spend sometime and talk with each other. I hope it's going good. Share your thoughts with me!

Ques: Anyone watched Fifty shades of grey or Fifty shades darker?

P.S - Write any jokes if you have cause I feel like shit.


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