Chap 15 - Softy Shaira??

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After 2 hours and 45 minutes later, I found myself at our lunch table munching on French fries.

"Anybody got any ideas to spend the weekend?" Ryan asked as he sipped his coke and everyone shrugged their shoulders.

"Nah, you have got any." I asked and he shook his head.

"What should we do?" Alicia asked as Chris kisses her temple and she smiled at him which he returned. I rolled my eyes

"Cut it out guys." Jake said clearly irritated from their PDA. She huffed and crossed her arms.

"Come on what should we do?" Aaron said and I looked at him, giving a secretive look to which he looked away. He was wearing a black jeans with a tight white t-shirt which showed of his muscles. His hair was styled in a messy yet stylish way which made me want to run my fingers through them.

"Luke is throwing a party tonight so let's attend that and on Friday we can just have sleepover at Aaron's house." Riley informed and we agreed.

"So it's decided tonight we will go to Luke's party." I nodded my head and the bell rang.

I took my books for my Chemistry class which I shared with Aaron. I couldn't talk to him properly this week and I kinda missed that, after our kiss we didn't talk much and I hope it didnt ruin our friendship. I was going to the class when someone pulled me into the janitors closet and slammed me onto the lockers. I looked up to see Megan glaring at me.

"Listen here bitch you stay away from Aaron. He's mine and don't you dare go near him then I will personally take care of you."

How dare she threaten me? Shaira Evans. I am going to kill her.

She was about to go when I pulled her bleached blonde hair and slammed her onto the lockers which caused them to rattle.

"You listen bitch, you don't go around ordering me. If I want I can finish you right here so I dare you to raise your voice at me." I tightened my hold around her throat and her face started to pale.

"I am going to hang around with whoever the fuck I want and you can't stop me from talking to them. Get that shit in your stupid head." I dropped her on the ground and she clutched her throat with her right hand trying to even out her breathing. I flipped my hair and walked away with my head held up high in the air.

No one fucking orders me if they want to see the daylight. Especially that bitch.

I opened the class door and walked at the back of the class and sat beside Aaron. I slammed my books on the desk which had dropped on the floor when that bitch pulled me. I was fuming with anger now and Aaron seemed to notice that as he took my hand and rubbed soothing circles on my knuckles which helped me calm down a bit. I gave him a 'tell you later' look and he nodded his head. The rest of the class he held my hand and rubbed circles and I maybe liked that. Ok I liked that - a lot. His hands were big and rough but still soft. It felt so right when he held my hand.

"So will you tell me what happened now?" He asked as we walked down the hall towards our lockers. The boys lockers were across ours.

"That Megan bitch thinks that she will threaten me and I will back out. She has the nerve to think like that. Fake Barbie." I spat out with venom laced in my voice. Aaron seemed to be surprised with my behaviour but still didn't say anything about it.

"What did she say?" I didn't want to tell him that she told me to stay away from him.

"Nothing just that I shouldn't hang out with you guys. Forget it, her words don't matter." His face was a mixture of confusion and anger. He wanted to say something but I raised my hand not wanting to talk about it right now.

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