Chap 22 - Date!?

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Shaira POV

The next morning i woke up on my bed. I looked around my room through my hazy vision because sleep was still present in my eyes. Ready to make me close my eyes on their own accord. But that would never happen when I have my lovely alarm with me. I threw the covers off of me. Maybe Aaron brought me here I thought and got up ready to start my day. Then I looked around my room to see it look absolutely messy. I sighed and started cleaning it as I had time before class started. I cleaned my desk, picked up the clothes from the floor, put them in the washing machine and fixed my sheets. I looked at the time and saw that it was 7:40. Fuck I am late.

I cursed and rushed to the bathroom nearly tripping on the way. After showering and cleaning my body of the sweat, I was dressed in a black tshirt with red leggings and a dab of lipstick on my lips and dashed out on the porch and turned the bike on. Yes bike I know I said that I don't use it that much but I thought that it's better to use it.

A smiled graced my face as I sped down the road feeling the Breeze on my face and for a few moments I understood the meaning of freedom. But my freedom was snatched away from me when I reached hell. Sad life.

I ran down the empty hall to my locker, took my books and started walking to class. I opened the door to see my math teacher who was looking at me as if I was his sworn enemy, which I guess I am. Not giving him a percent of my attention, I went and sat down beside Aaron at the back. He raised his eyebrow -probably for why I was late -and I shrugged. He looked really hot with his black shirt and tight jeans. His hair was messy and he looked so eatable.

Someone keep 911 on speed dial, incase I die due to too much hotness.

"Ok let's start the test." The teacher said and I felt my eyes bulge out of their sockets. Fuck, I forgot to prepare for the test. But it's just a stupid test and it doesn't matter. He passed down the sheets and when I looked at the paper....I knew all these Maths. Wow that seems foreign. Not wasting time any further, I quickly scribbled all the answers and I was done just when the bell rang. Phew that was easy and I think I got most of them right.

I took my books and walked out of the class with Aaron. Just when we were out of the room, I hugged Aaron with all my might.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I love you." I squealed and he mumbled.

"Can't..... Breathe." I unwrapped myself and gave him a sheepish grin. He looked at me with emotions swirling in his eyes which I couldn't predict.

"What's the thank you for?" He asked and started walking again with me by his side.

"For the FIRST time, I passed the test. That too Maths." I answered and he grinned while shaking his head. I just chuckled and went to my locker.

"Yo bitch, where have you been?" Alicia asked and I hugged her.

"Maths." I answered and the others also came one by one. That why I love these crazy people so much cause they know me well to know when to leave the matter and when to not. They all treated me as if I didn't go missing for 8 hours yesterday.

"I really need my beauty sleep." Laura sighed heavily and I scoffed.

"Since when did you need beauty sleep?" Alicia laughed and said.

"Since she met my brother." We all laughed as she turned red and high fived each other while she glared at us which caused us to laugh more.

Soon the bell rang and we parted our ways, walking to our own individual classes. I had Language now which was so fucking boring. I went and sat down on my seat and the teacher soon entered the class and started to bore us with her useless lecture but I was spaced out.

It's been really long since I went to see Nuz. I should go and visit her today as tomorrow school is closed. Maybe I should take Aaron also with me. He will enjoy it a lot.

I quickly took out my phone from my pocket and typed a text and sent it to him.

Hey, are you doing anything today?

My phone lowly pinged after a few moment and I unlocked it to see his message.

No, why?

Nothing be ready by 4, we will go out.


Not telling you. No arguments be ready.

I locked it and put it back in my pocket. I looked at the watch and saw that there were still ten minutes left for this class to finish. God help me. I counted the minutes and when the bell rang, i ran out of the class. The next classes passed by really quick as I had to take down a lot of notes and skipped one or two. Lunch was same but this time I had to save myself not to throw up my food as everyone was being too much lovey dovey and it made me gag. Thankfully I was not the only person Aaron was by my side and we both irritated the couples a lot and made disgusting faces at them. It really pissed them off and we would laugh every time anyone glared at us.

School finished and I soon found myself in my bedroom getting changed, as I would be going out with Aaron. I slipped on my sneakers and took the bike keys from the counter. I closed the door and just then Aaron came out.

"Ready to go?" I smiled as he walked towards me.

"You know if you really wanted to take me out you could have just asked me what was the need to do all this." He teased as we walked to my bike.

"Now where's the fun in that? And I couldn't just ask a hot guy like you to go on a date with me." I jested and he chuckled.

I hopped on the bike and waited for him to get on it.

"Why the bike?" He asked and I smirked.

"Are you scared to ride it?" He puffed and didn't say anything rather hopped on it and placed his hands in my waist.

"Now will you tell me?" He asked and I replied.

"Because the place we are going to is really narrow and we can't take the car." With that I started the bike and drove down the road. I would occasionally feel his hands tighten around me, when we made a turn or I increased the speed. It was really funny to tease him.

After half an hour, we reached our destination and I got off of the bike followed by Aaron.

"Where are we?" He asked as I parked the bike near a shanty town.

"You will see." I grabbed his hand and dragged him.


Hello, Amores! I know I haven't updated in a week but I have been really busy. My exams are coming and I haven't learned anything now. My iPod will be taken away from me by this week😭😭😭😢😢 I might not be able to update for a few weeks. Sorry and this chap was also one of the worst chap I wrote. But the next few chaps will be interesting I promise. If I can I will try to update as soon as I can.

If you got any good books please sent it to me. I can't find any good books.

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