Chap 4 - Zach

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I groaned as I shifted and opened my eyes but instantly closed them due to the bright light. I looked around to see beer bottles scattered around the floor from last night. I was laying on the ground beside Riley. Alicia was snuggling with Chris on the couch while Ryan was laying on the floor droll coming out of his mouth with Sam on his chest. Jake was laying beside Laura with his hand wrapped around her waist. Guess we have some lovebirds here.

I looked around for Aaron as he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he went back to his house. I got up and saw that it was 7:12 am . Fuck! I am late again. The sound of the main door opening startled me. Aaron entered and slowly closed the door. He turned around and his eyes met mine. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt which showed off his muscles with blue jeans. His hair was messily tousled and he was wearing combat boots. I shamelessly raked my eyes up and down ogling at him.

"You guys were sleeping so I decided to get ready and then wake you up." His husky voice made a shiver run down my spine.

"Can you wake them up for me while I get ready ?" He nodded his head and I went to my room to take a shower.

I was having a slight headache but it was nothing severe. I showered and slipped into a white top with light blue jeans and a maroon reddish flannel on top. I combed my hair and let it cascade down to my waist . I applied light pink lipgloss and slipped on my white vans. Satisfied with my look, I took my bag and walked down the stairs to the kitchen from where most of the noise was coming . Everyone was ready. The girls were wearing their clothes which they had in my house for when they stayed over. It was pretty normal for them to come to my house and sleep their asses off. The boys were also ready, guess they used Aaron's clothes or something. As I entered the kitchen, Ryan whistled.

"Someone looks hot." I smirked and grabbed an Apple from the counter.

"Shut up, lets go it's already 7:45." Aaron grumbled and we got in our cars.

The girls were in my baby while the boys were with Aaron. Music blasted through the radio as I sped down the road. I reduced the volume and cleared my throat.

"So, I woke up today to find someone snuggled up with Chris." I smugly said and Alicia stiffened . The girls smirked from the back seat and she blushed.

"Ooh is Alicia Johnson blushing." I teased and she glared at me. "Spill." Laura ordered as Sam nodded.

"Um... We kinda like each other not exactly like like, it's just an attraction that we feel towards each other. Last night, I dozed off and waking up I found myself snuggled up against him. That's pretty much what happened." She exclaimed popping her gum.

"Did he say anything about his feelings?" Riley asked getting interested in our conversation. Always the romantic one.

"No he didn't." I nodded and pulled over as we reached the entrance of hell.

The girls went inside while I parked my baby in its usual place and went to my locker. I opened my schedule to see that my first period was chemistry. Thank god its not Maths. I took out my books and the bell rang. I casually walked to the class and saw that Mr Green had already started the class. He gave me a stiff nod and I went to the back of the class, taking a seat beside Aaron. He looked up and smiled which I gladly returned.

Mr Green rambled on and on. I was on the verge of crying and my ears were bleeding hearing him talk about shit. I felt eyes on me , I turned my head to the side to see Aaron staring at me. I arched my brow and he smiled . He wrote something on his notebook and passed it to me .

If looks could kill he would be six feet under the ground . I smiled and wrote

I am bored, entertain me. I passed it to him . He wrote back and passed it to me.

Let's play 20 questions ;)

Ok! You start. I wrote.

Fav Colour

Black, you?

Blue . Fav food?

Pizza! You?


Middle name?

James . You?

Maria. Fav movie?


Fifty shades of grey.

He blushed as he read my answer and the rest of the time was spent like this. It was fun to tease him. I also got to know him better cause I barely talked with him before . He is always so quiet and shy. The next class which was physics I spent sleeping. I skipped the third class with Alicia and the fourth one I copied notes and bleed my ears to death.

Lunch rolled on and I found myself sitting in our usual table talking to Sam. Chris and Alicia were both getting a bit flirty and I think everyone noticed it. Jake was being difficult but I somehow convinced him that if Chris hurt her then I would chop off his balls so he wouldn't have to worry about Alicia. Plus he was his friend. He is always too worried.

I was eating fries when arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around to see a grinning Zach. He was also one of my appointments but except that he slept with a lot of girls. He was genuinely sweet and caring. He had light brown hair with blue eyes and cute dimples on his right cheek .

"Hi beautiful." He greeted and kissed my forehead.

"Hi, long time no see. Where were you?" I curiously asked.

"I have been a bit busy but I am free to spend time with my girl now." He used his charms and as usual it worked.

"Guess I will see you later ." I smiled and he pecked my lips and winked before leaving.

I turned around to see everyone looking at me with a smile. Weirdos!

"What?" Riley smirked and replied."He definitely has the hots for you." I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my pizza.

"I am serious." She said. Laura and Alicia burst into laughter.

"You really think she will date him." Alicia said in between her laughs. "They would make a cute couple." Sam replied and I looked at them like they were crazy.

"Really? You think I will ever date someone." Their laughter died down and Sam pouted. I shook my head and continued eating. Dating is not my thing. I would most likely end up getting hurt. My trust issues don't help either. The boys returned back to their own topics while we were arguing and didn't pay attention to us.

The last few classes passed by with me listening to music and a makeout session with Zach in the janitor's closet. Finally it was time to get out of this hell. I shoved my books in my locker and went to the parking lot to get my baby. The boys dropped the girls. How? I don't know that cause neither of them had their cars or bikes today. I have to ask them about what the fucking hell happened as they dropped them off. I am sure Alicia will have something spicy to tell me .


I opened my phone to see a message from Zach .

Hey babe I will be coming over at yours later;))

Sure baby. I replied and turned my phone off . I unlocked the door of my house. The lights of Aaron's house were on meaning he was home. I threw my bag on my desk and changed into some shorts and a tank top. I laid on my bed and instantly dozed off. I will be needing the energy later .


Hi ! I know it's a boring chap but I will make it up to you in the next chapter. So Aaron and Shaira had a decent chat today. I'm am trying to make them friends and I hope it's going ok. What do you think of Zach ?Share your thoughts with me !

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