Chap 3 - New Neighbour?

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Danielle Campbell as Alicia

I parked my car and saw that lights of  the house of my neighbour were on. No one lived in that house for the last 2 years. Guess we have some new Neighbours to deal with. Hopefully they won't be fucking annoying as they usually are. I opened the door of my house and kept the keys on the counter. I rushed to my room to take a shower as my bitches will be here anytime.

I was now dressed in my pjs and it was almost 7:00 pm. The door bell rang and I opened the door to be tackled into a bear hug.

"We are back hoe." Sam shouted and pulled away.

"Glad you guys are back." I grumbled and closed the door. The girls went in and jumped on the couch. What kind of fucking friends I have?

"So what are we watching?" Alicia asked putting her leg on Laura's lap.

"We are watching Fifty shades darker." I stated and the girls laughed. "That's why I like you so much bitch." Riley replied and went to the kitchen probably to get popcorn.

I set the DVD and Riley got the popcorn. We were now huddled up on the couch with blankets and pillows watching Christian Grey tell Ana to take off her panties. Damn! How the hell is he so hot?

"Gosh! I wish I had a Christian Grey." Sam whined as she stuffed her mouth with popcorn. We agreed with her and watched the hot scene unveiling in front of us.

After an hour of hotness , I was ready to jump at any guy within an arm's  length from me.

"Fuck, I can't get the scenes out of my head." Laura yelled annoyedly and I laughed at her frustrated expression. But the truth was it was sexy. Christian Grey was fucking sexy. I wish I had Mason or someone else now, I was lost in my thoughts when the door bell rang .

I got up from my sitting position and went to open the door.

"Who the fuck is it now?" I cussed as I opened the door to see Jake standing with a smirk plastered on his face and the boys behind him.

"Jake, what are you doing here?" He got inside without answering my question.

"Hey." The boys greeted and I replied with a hi.

We reached the hall to see Jake sitting in middle of Alicia and Laura.

"We were chilling in Aaron's house but your house was close so I thought why not see you ? And here we are. Plus I was missing you a lot." Ryan flirted, swinging his arm over my shoulder and Chris shook his head at Ryan's behaviour.

"Wait, where does Aaron live?" I questioned my face a mixture of confusion and irritation. Aaron laughed and replied.

"Hi neighbour." . Recognition dawned on me and I remembered how the lights of his house were on.

"Hello neighbour." I smirked at him.

"So what should we do ?" Chris asked as he sat beside Alicia. I snuck a look at her who was trying to fight back a smile.

"Let's play dare or dare." Ryan said and excitedly everyone agreed. I went to the kitchen and took out 9 cold beers for everyone and an empty bottle. We huddled up in a circle. Beside me was Laura, then Alicia, Chris, Jake , Sam, Ryan , Riley and Aaron on my left.

"Ok spin the bottle." Aaron spinned the bottle and its head pointed at Alicia. I grinned evilly and she glared at me.  

"I dare you to kiss Chris." Her face turned into a shocked one but she recovered it quickly and crashed her lips on his as he sat beside her. Everyone grinned but Jake was ready to explode. His face was red and fists were clenched .I gave him a pointed look, glaring at him and he glared back. Jake is very protective when it comes to me and Alicia. They pulled away from their heated kiss breathless. Alicia blushed but Chris had a smirk plastered on his face. I knew that she had a crush on him since the first day they met and he also might have a crush on her.

The bottle was spun again and it landed on Jake, Aaron smirked.

"I dare you to give any of the girls a lap dance." Jake's face was of utter horror. I knew that he would never do it with me and Alicia also Riley cause she had a boyfriend and Zain would kill him if he did it. So that left him with Sam and  Laura. He prodded his way to Laura and lend her his hand. She smirked taking his hand . He led her to one of the couches and made her sit then he started his lap dance. He seduced Laura and nibbled on her neck, taking off his clothes and grinded with her making her face turn red. I laughed hard at her facial expressions and tears were starting to prick from my eyes. By the time he finished we were laughing uncontrollably, clutching our stomachs . Jake had a huge boner and Laura's face was flushed red as she tried controlling her breathing . The end result was us laughing at their state more.

After our little Lmao session we were back on playing. Ryan spinned the bottle and it landed on me. I groaned as Alicia smiled like a Cheshire Cat.

"I dare you to seduce Aaron." I gave her a 'I am so fucking going to kill you' look and she batted her lashes innocently . I turned towards Aaron who seemed to be......nervous. Why is he nervous? He has done this a lot of times. I know this cause girls were throwing themselves on him in our school but he payed them no attention. Not their fault that he got looks to kill for. Damn, even I would bang him.

I shrugged my shoulders and sat on Aaron's lap so that I was straddling him now. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me and I leaned a bit to whisper in his ears.

"Relax its just a dare." He shivered and I smirked. I brushed my lips over his and kissed him. He went still but slowly relaxed. A tingling sensation ran down my spine as I moved my lips against his. He tasted of fresh mint and his lips were soft and tender. I tangled my hand in his hair and he groaned. Our lips moved in sync and he pulled me closer, tightening his grip on my waist. He nibbled on my bottom lip asking for permission and I let him in . Our tongue danced together and somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish. It was only me and him. All I wanted was to kiss him till eternity. He pulled away breathless but I continued to trail kisses from his jaw to his neck , occasionally sucking and nibbling. He moaned as I sucked on a certain point where his neck connected with his shoulder. He pulled away and crashed his lips on mine. I was surprised at his actions but the questions flew out of the window due to the heat of the moment. Unlike the first one this was rough and demanding. His lips fiercely moving against mine caused me to moan. I couldn't stop myself. A simple kiss to a makeout session.

The sound of a throat clearing pulled us from our moment. Everyone had shocked expression on their faces. Then did I fucking realise that I made out with my best friend's brother's best friend - as fucked up as it sounds - in front of everyone. The boys' jaws were hung open and drool was dripping down the corners of their mouths . The girls had smirks plastered on their faces as if they were proud of me and Jake looked like he was about to kill. Though he knew all about my flings he was still very protective of me .

I got off of Aaron's lap to see huge a boner. I mentally smirked and sat down beside him.

"Wow! What was that?" Ryan asked breathlessly and Sam laughed.

"That was Shaira making out with Aaron." Aaron scratched the back of his neck while I cleared my throat. I had kissed thousands of boys but none of them were as amazing as the kiss I shared with Aaron .

"Dude that was literally nothing. She can do better after all I am the teacher." Laura self praised herself and I rolled my eyes at her narcissism.

Aaron got up from his place. "I will be right back." He went out of the living to god knows where and my mind filled with questions. Did he regret it? But the kiss was amazing, I gotta admit that. If he didn't enjoy it then it's his problem not mine.


Hey guys! Your fav author is here...jk . How is your weekend going? Whatcha think about their heated make out session? Most of all what do you think about Aaron? tell me and don't forget to vote & comment


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