Chap 23 - Good or bad?

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Dedicated to @OutflaweDelinquent for the votes and comments.

I watched as Aaron looked around the different food stalls with amazement shining in his eyes. I found this place one year ago when I was just roaming around the city, trying to find something new. It was the shanty part of the town where people who couldn't afford to live in the town stayed here. But unlike other places it was not dirty or had bad sewage system. It was surprisingly always clean and the people over here made the best food ever. It was the perfect place to hang out with your friends or come with your family. I and the girls often come here but this time I decided to bring Aaron along with me.

"Like it?" I asked Aaron who was still holding my hand sending tingles down my body and an uneasy feeling settled
in my stomach but I liked it. I don't know why.

"It looks good but why are we here." He questioned confused by the purpose of coming here.

"This place has the best food in the world and I had to bring you to the best place for our first date." I teased and he winked at me in return.

I liked this Aaron. The playful Aaron not the shy and quiet one.

After a bit of walking, I reached the stall we were looking for.

"Long time no see Nuz." I smilingly said. She turned around and squealed seeing me.

"Ahh you are here." She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Wow you are looking hot." I winked at her and she swatted my hand.

"Lady I am a 55 year old that line doesn't suit me and you have grown hotter than the last time I saw you. How many hearts did you break?!" She fake gasped and I chuckled. Nuz was a old lady who worked over here selling awesome foods. Her full name is Nuzuma but I prefer to call her Nuz.

"This is Aaron my Friend and Aaron this is Nuz,The most amazing cook." I introduced Aaron to her and she smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you." He returned her smile.

"Likewise. Now what can I get for you guys?" She asked.

"The usual for both of us." I replied. She nodded her head and went to her stall preparing for our food. It was not that much crowded but at night you can't even walk here it's so crowded, completely stuffed with people.

"So what is the usual that you ordered?" He asked while sitting on one of the tables.

I sat on one of the chairs and smirked at him to which he gave me a suspicious look.

"Here is your order kids." Nuz placed two plates in front of us and I thanked her to which she smiled and left to prepare another dish for some other customer.

"This is Fiejoada. Brazil's national food." I said, taking a bite of the delicious food and moaned as it hit my taste bud. Feijoada is a simple dish of beans stew with beef or pork and rice with an amazing salad dressing as a side dish. Though it was simple, Nuz made it a totally amazing dish. Aaron took a bite of the stew beans with beef and after a few moments a grin replaced his face and he stuffed more into his mouth.

"Easy there boy." I laughed and took another bite.

"This is so good." He said with his mouth full of food and I smirked.

"I know I am the best." I flipped my hair dramatically and he rolled his eyes but nonetheless kept eating.

We ate and talked about ourselves, it was getting dark when we decided to return back. I bid bye to Nuz and walked back holding Aaron's hand as the place was swerving with people and you could easy get lost. He let go of my hand when we reached my bike and I instantly missed his warmth. Did I mention that his hands were super soft and warm? No I guess then now you know it.

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