Chap 35 - Bet

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5 months later

Life has completely changed without her. Nothing new, Everyday is boring and dull. Everyday I am hoping for her to wake for the past five months but she being the stubborn person she is, is not waking up.

There has been improvement in her health. The Doctors removed the oxygen mask, her wounds were almost healed, her face didn't look that much pale, her heartbeats were also normal but why wasn't she waking up?

I miss her a lot

Everyone misses her. The first few months I didn't even go to school. I would stay here beside her, praying for her betterment. It was difficult for me to cope up. What did you do to me? Eventually Jake was able to knock some sense into me and I started to go to school again which was not pleasant at all as I had to copy a hell lot of notes. It was the second last week of November and final exams had ended and I don't know what the hell I wrote in those exam sheets. For the first time in life, I didn't care about exams cause she was much more important to me than those papers. I am concerned about Shaira, graduation is in December and if she doesn't wake up by then, she wouldnt be able to sit for the makeup exams for which we all wrote a letter about her health and requested the principle to permit her to sit for makeup exams. She is going to get such a lecture from me when she wakes up.

You wouldn't be able to say anything to her after she wakes up.

She needs to learn to take care of her.

She has you wrapped around her finger.

As if you are any better.

"Hey. Today was really boring, I had nothing to do. Schools are closed now and everyone is at there home while I am here with you. You owe me big time. But I can forget that if you wake up quickly and give me a kiss which is something I really need now. See, staying with you does this to meand I have no problem with that. Is it good or bad? Even if it's bad I don't care cause it's YOU who is ruining me and not someone else. If it was someone else which I highly doubt cause no one can compare to The Shaira Evans -- they wouldn't be able to do what you did. Do you know what you did to me? You made me go absolutely crazy for you. That now when you are gone, I feel like my world's crashing down. I know I haven't spent much time with you or expressed my feelings but I can't help it. The heart wants what it wants." I quoted Selena and chuckled, imaging what her face would be like if she heard it. This has become one of our rituals, I would come and tell her what I did the whole day, what happened and my rants. Though I am not sure if she heard me, it helped me open up a bit to her which hardly happens with anyone. I also told her about some of my embarrassing childhood stories.

"Hello, fuckers." Alicia yelled, entering the room with others and the room was filled with loud chatters and yells. I hugged the guys including Jace who I now had a strong relation with.

"Who wants pizza?" Ryan screamed and everyone attacked him including me cause I was hungry and its pizza we are talking about. I am surprised the authorities didn't kick us out due to the amount of noise we make and disturb other patients which we could care less about cause we are all just like that.

It was really good having them around. No one ever made each other feel that Shaira was not there. They would joke around and tease each other like nothing happened but inside everyone was hurting. The hospital didn't seem so boring with them.

At 9 pm they all left, Jace volunteered to stay but I refused cause I didn't want to leave her alone and I wouldn't be able to sleep properly. I yawned feeling sleepy and laid my head on her lap carefully but not before kissing her forehead. It was not Long before I dozed off.

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