Chap 36 - Curse

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Dedicated to @yu_tanit and @Yukino-Ravens

Shaira POV

"Tell me." I stated straight to the point and ushered Jace to come and sit on the bed. He quietly agreed but his eyes were still looking at the floor not me. I Lifted his Chin up and still he wasn't looking me in the eye.

"Jace, look at me." At the mention of his name, he looked up knowing I was losing my patience.

"What happened?" I asked again and he opened his mouth to answer but them closed it with a disappointed sigh.

"I lost, Chocolate. I lost." He whispered and I felt myself frown at his statement.

"What did you lose?" Asked I and then I got to know the whole truth.

"I lost in protecting you. I stayed away from you for one whole year thinking he wouldn't get to know about you and you would be safe. He started tracking you when I wasn't ready to make a deal with him. At last he found you and I got to know that when he send some pics of you in your car and in the house with your friends. I freaked out, didn't think of any consequences and booked the tickets to here as soon as possible. I couldn't stop him from hurting.I failed. I failed you, Chocolate. I failed in protecting you. What kind of a fucking Brother am I?!" He yelled the last part out with tears in his eyes and I also felt sympathy for him. The reason he stayed away from me for one year as to protect me. I thought that he forgot about me and didn't need a burden to carry.

What kind of a Sister am I?

I gave up on him and didn't bother to look for him while he looked out for me like always. How could I be so stupid?
My thoughts were interrupted when he spoke again.

"I am not even your biological Brother." He spoke in a daze looking at his hands which were holding mine. Abruptly, he looked up his eyes teary and slightly red while I gaped at him.

"You knew it. Why didn't you tell me?" I questione.

"Chocolate, how would you feel if a person whom you believed was your Brother for your entire life, come home and say that he is your half Brother? That too after one year of separation."

I wouldn't know how to feel.

"How do you know it?" He asked, probably feeling curious.

"He told me." I answered none of us liked to mention his name. We were ashamed of him. Ashamed that he was our relative, that too our Uncle. I pulled myself up a bit but winced when my back sting with pain probably from the whip slashes.

"Are you in pain? Let me call the doctor." He was about to go but I caught hold of his hand and shook my head. I opened my arms for him and he looked uncertain for a while but eventually he hugged me back. I hugged him back as tightly as I could. I felt safe now that no one could harm me. But it was much more better with Aaron.

He broke the hug sniffing and I slapped him hard on the cheek. His head whipped to the side due to the force and he cupped it.

"What the fuck was that for?" He yelled still holding his cheek.

"That was for thinking that you are not my biological Brother. I don't care if we are blood related or not. You have been my Brother and will always be my Brother. No matter what, you are not going to get rid of me so easily. So accept this fact already." I crossed my hands looking at him with a serious look on my face. He nodded his head and saluted me.

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