Chap 34 - IV

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Aaron POV

I looked around frantically searching for Shaira but it was getting difficult to spot her. The police were fighting off the gang members and a few captured Rio or Marco Adams when he tried to escape. Rio is his name for illegal business. Abruptly, a scream took my attention and I found myself running to her.


"Shaira!" I yelled back.

Jace also looked around and spotted her by then I had already reached her. The man was dragging her brittle body causing her pain and her clothes were torn and stained with blood, her blood.

I am going to kill him.

I grabbed him by his collar and he released Shaira. Clenching my teeth, I punched him and it continued until he was unconscious and Shaira fell on the floor probably tripping on her own feet.I quickly went to her untied her ropes but she flinched and struggled to get away.

"Hey, it's me." She started sobbing and hot tears ran down her face. Untying her hands, I went to her legs.

"Aaron please take me from here." She choked out and just as I finished opening her blindfold.


A bullet hit her shoulder and her body collapsed on the ground. Blood gushing gushing out of her wound and she didn't even open her eyes.

"No! Shaira, look at me." I hurriedly pulled her on my lap but still no response. I pressed her wound a bit to stop the flowing of blood and she groaned. She is losing a lot of blood and it might cause her to...

I stopped my thoughts from getting any further.

"Jake, call an ambulance." Just then the door burst open and the girls rushed through. Laura and Alicia carrying baseball bat. After Sam saw us she rushed to us taking in Shaira's mangled form.

"Oh fuck! Riley call the ambulance in." She yelled and I picked her up going to ambulance parked outside and the paramedics shifted her inside.

"One of you can come with us." I almost said that I would go but remembered that I had things to take care of here and Alicia who looked on the verge of breaking down, agreed to go and the others got in a car,following the ambulance.

Please be ok. I can't lose you. Not now not ever.

I entered the building saw the police hand cuffing and taking the criminals and Marco Adams. I walked up to him with my fists clenched and Shaira's bruised body in my mind. The next thing I know is Jake and Chris pulling us apart and Ryan holding him back from punching me.

"Let me go! I will fucking kill him!" I tried reaching him but the guys held me back in place.

"Aaron. The police is going to take care of him." Jake tried to calm me down and I found myself yelling at him.

"How the hell can you say that?! He hurt her. Did you see what he did to her? She is in hospital just because of him!" Our yelling caught the constables attention. He came and took the bastard, who had a smirk on his face, away. I would have killed him then and there if not for these idiots.

I roughly shrugged their hands off and they let me cool down for a while but time was not with us and I had to go Shaira.

"I am sorry." I apologised and they nodded their head.

"Let's go now." Chris said and we three left for the hospital. Jace had already left amidst our fighting. Jake got in the driver seat while I in the passenger seat with Chris and Ryan in the back.

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