Chap 17 - Vomit

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Manu Rios as Zach. Isn't he a cutie??😍😍😍

Shaira POV

"Ugh." I groaned rolling on my back and rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the sleepiness. I looked over the room to realise that I was in my room. What happened last night? I rub my Temples in order to get rid of the throbbing pain as I did that, I felt a heavy weight on my waist. I looked down to see a muscular hand wrapped around my waist. I slowly look up to see a shirtless..... Aaron.

Fuck don't tell me that I slept with him.

You didn't idiot

How do you know?

Cause you are wearing clothes!

I was wearing my dress from last night which means that I didn't sleep with Aaron or someone else. He was sleeping on his stomach with his face in my direction. His hair was disheveled and his mouth slightly apart as he breathed in and out. He looked so in peace.

It is not the fucking time for this. I really need to start drinking less.But what did I do? Slowly the images of last night rushed to me. We went to the party, I danced with Aaron, we teased the boys, then we drank and after that we came home. Wow I remembered everything quickly. Though I remembered everything this caused my head to throb like a bitch and I couldn't help but groan and slowly sit up, resting my back against the headboard.

A groan and arms tightening around my waist caught my attention. Aaron stirred but didn't wake up, I forgot about him. I slowly shook his shoulder in order to wake him.

"Aaron wake up." I said unwrapping his arm around me.

"Hmm." He hummed but didn't make an attempt to wake up. I tried again but he didn't wake up. That's it. I slowly went close his ear and yelled.

"Wake up Aaron!" He shot up looking around the room for any kind of danger and protectively tightened his hold on my waist. He relaxed as he realised that there was no danger and looked towards me.

"Why would you do that?" He whined and I crossed my arms.

"If you had woke up early then probably I wouldn't have to do that." He raised his eyebrow and I pointed towards his hand that was holding me. His mouth formed a 'o' shape and quickly let me go.

I pushed the blankets off of me and walked towards the bathroom to get freshened up.

"What were you doing in my room?" I asked as I leaned on the wall beside the bathroom with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I came to put you on your bed last night and I was really tired so I slept over here." He hesitantly explained and i nodded my head and got in the bathroom to take a quick shower and get out of this dress.

I stripped out of my clothes and poured my Favourite vanilla scented shampoo and thoroughly massaged it on the scalp. I rinsed it off, using the body wash to clean my body. I wrapped a towel around my body and brushed my teeth at last and got out of the bathroom to see my room empty. Mentally smiling, I went to my closet and took out some cotton shorts and a plain violet t-shirt as I will be staying home today.

The others must have crashed here today I thought but was proved wrong when I found the hall and guest rooms empty.

Where are they?

You were supposed to go to Aaron's house today.

Oh yeah

I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of orange juice and gulped it down. I slipped on my flip flops and took my phone and went to Aaron's house which was beside mine. I ringed the door bell and it opened revealing Jake wearing some sweatpants and black tank top.

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