Chap 5 - Sex and fight

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Nina Dobrev as Riley

Warning: Mature content

I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep off of them . I unlocked my phone to see its 5:37. The sound of the bell ringing caught my attention. I tamed my hair and made myself look presentable. I opened the door only to be welcomed by the presence of Zach. Fuck! I forgot that he was coming .

"Hi babe." I closed the door and faced him. He was looking handsome in his black tshirt and jeans. His hair had a messy look which made him look like as if he had just woke up from sleep. He looked like a model. But nothing compared to Aaron.

"Like what you see babe?" He asked as I strolled towards him and crashed my lips onto his. He immediately responded and wrapped his arms around my waist. I tangled my hand in his hair and gently tugged on it. He nibbled my bottom lip asking for permission but I kept my mouth shut to tease him. He massaged my breast, I moaned and he shoved his tongue inside my mouth. His tongue massaged mine, exploring every nook and corner of my mouth. I pulled away breathless but he continued to shower me with his hot, fiery kisses. He sucked on my sweet spot and I wrapped my legs around his waist .

Before I knew it my back hit the soft mattress of my bed. He kissed me while I tugged on the hem of his tshirt. He threw my tank top across the room and took one of my nipples in his mouth while kneading the other one with his hand. I arched my back and ran my hands down his chest and abs. His hot tongue working magic on my nipple was setting me on fire. I have to admit his tongue game was strong. I unbuckled his belt and pushed off his pants. You could see the huge noticeable boner and I was so fucking turned on. He pulled my shorts down leaving me bare to him. He kissed my inner thigh slowly .

"Fuck Zach! Stop teasing me." He chuckled . My patience was thrown of the window when I felt his tongue on my wet core. He licked my wet folds and inserted his finger inside me. "Oh God." I moaned as he pumped his finger in and out. His pace fast and hard making me feel immense pleasure. He added another finger and I could feel a knot inside my stomach. It was not Long before I released. I was a panting mess by now.

He took off his boxers displaying his huge length. He smirked and took out a condom and positioned himself in front of me. I could feel myself stretch at his huge length . It hurt a bit at first but as he moved the pain reduced to pleasure. He was pumping hard into me. His length filling me up, pumping deeper with each thrust. Our bodies covered with a thin layer of sweat. Groans and moaned filling the air as our bodies collide with each other . Each time harder and faster.

"Fuck.... yes Zach." I moaned as I got closed to my climax. My wet walls tightening around his dick. "Fuck." He groaned as he released followed by me shortly. He dropped beside me still panting and breathing hard. He threw the condom in the dustbin that was beside the bed and pulled me close to him.

"You were amazing babe. Good night." He exclaimed and I mumbled a good night falling  into a deep sleep. Now I realized how much I had missed Zach's sessions for the past one month. This boy can fuck like crazy.

I woke up to see the bed empty and a note laying on Zach's place.

Hey babe! Sorry I won't be here when you wake up. I have some important work to complete. You were sleeping so I didn't wake you up . I had a great time . See you tomorrow !

                                             Zach :)

I crumbled the note and threw it away. It was dark outside. I decided to take a long shower and changed into a black sports bra with a black tank top and a pair of black leggings. You could say I love black. I pulled a blue hoodie on top and tied my hair into a high ponytail. It's been a long time since I released some stress. So, I decided to go there.

I locked the door and started to walk as it was not far from here. I relaxed as the cold Breeze hit my face and I dug my hands into my pockets and closed my eyes enjoying it. Much to my dismay, it ended soon and I found myself passing through a cheering crowd filled with sweaty bodies. I reached where Liam usually sat and he hugged me.

"Hey kiddo. How are you? Seeing you after a long time." I smiled and replied.

"I am good. Is there any place empty?" He checked through some papers.

"Yup there is always a place empty." Liam was in his late thirties with dirty blonde hair and dark eyes. I nodded and took off my hoodie, wrapped gauges around my knuckles and got inside the familiar ring. The crowd cheered as they saw me. I come here a lot of time and it really makes me happy to come here. I stretched a bit and a man well built entered the ring. The ring that I fell in love with. The ring that was no less than home.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we have two strong opponents fighting each other. On my right is The Crusher." He raised my hand up in the air "On my left is The Rebel. Let's start now ." Boomed through the speakers.

He whistled and we started encircling each other. He attacked first , throwing a fist in my direction which I quickly dodged and punched him in his stomach. Bad move! He recovered from the impact and lunged forward ready to punch me but I grabbed his fist and twisted it causing him to hiss in pain. I threw a punch on his jaw and kicked him in his balls. Mean but it's a fight after all. An illegal one too. He grabbed his crotch and fell on his knees. I brought my knee up and kicked him on his face as he fell back with blood coming out of his nose and head. I hovered over him and repeatedly punched him. My hand was on fire as pain shot through it. The crowd chanted 'Crusher' and cheered for me.

"1,2,...3 and we have a winner! The Crusher!" I stood up and raised my hand in the air with a smirk on my face after throwing a last hard punch on his broken jaw. I got out of the ring and wiped the sweat off my face and Liam handed me the money .

"Here is your money. The crowd went nuts when they saw you." I smirked and grabbed the money and my hoodie, making my way back home.

The ringing of my phone broke me out of my thoughts as I walked on the pavement with empty streets. I shuffled through my duffel bag, successfully taking it out amidst the money.

"Hello." I answered Alicia as her panicked voice replied back.

"Shaira! You won't believe what happened! The situation is so fucking bad. I can't even explain. I-I.." She was struggling to speak properly as she panted. The panic was evident in her voice. Enough to get me on the edge.

"Hold on! What happened?" I asked as calmly as I could but her anxiousness and panicked behaviour was making it worse. I could practically hear the loud beating of my heart. She was mumbling on her own not making sense at all.

"Will you just tell me?!" I yelled out losing my patience when she didn't reply. The next words that left her mouth made my jaw drop to the ground.

It can't be that.


Not such a interesting chap! But bear it with me. Do you like it? Tell me what you think!

Ques: Where are you from ?

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