Chap 14 - The Crusher

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Sammy Wilkinson as Jake. Isn't he cute?

I sighed as I jumped on my bed and hugged my pillow. How much I missed this. We were back from that fucking camp and now were in our houses. It feels so good to be back. We took Jake's car and he dropped us to our houses. I had already unpacked my bag and toiletries. I decided to take a bath and jumped into the shower. Massaging my vanilla shampoo on my scalp , I quickly rinsed it off and the foam from my body wash. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked to the closet. I have to go to school tomorrow and day after tomorrow is Friday. It's been a pretty good time since I let out some steam, maybe I could go today, also I have saved a lot of money. Slipping into a pair of yoga pants and a black t-shirt with my blue converse, I locked the door and started walking to my destination.

It was quiet since it's already 9:48 pm and the roads were empty only a few cars here and there. The moon shining and the stars twinkling. I smiled as I saw two bright stars.

"Love you Mom and Dad." I whispered and rubbed my hands as I started to feel a bit cold. It was hot at daytime but at night it was quite chilly. I quickly made my way to Liam pushing through a crazy crowd.

"Hey kiddo how are you?" He asked and I replied with a short answer.


"Ok so I have an empty place, You can take that and your fight will start in 5 minutes." I nodded my head and tied up my hair using the hair band on my wrist and stretched a bit, relaxing my muscles and wrapped gauzes on my knuckles. I got in the ring and saw a well built guy with tattoos on his whole body and a crooked nose. He was only in his boxers and he didn't have his two front tooth. He looked so funny , I wanted to laugh at his face but managed to keep my face emotionless.

"Tonight, we have one of our best fighters, The Crusher." I smirked at the cheering crowd. "Fighting against one of our common fighters, The Killer. Let's start the fight.... 1,2...3" Liam voice boomed through the mic and he blew his whistle just then we started circling each other with our clenched fists in front of us to block out any punches from the opponent. I watched his footing and his right feet was in the front and left one in the back which meant that he was about to strike me with his right fist. Just as I thought about that his swung his fist in an attempt to punch me but I gracefully dodged it and punched him square in his jaw. I smirked as I heard a satisfying crack sound, looks like I broke his jaw.

He punched me in my stomach and I fell back but quickly recovered my stance. I jumped up and slammed my feet on the left side of his head causing blood to drip out of it. He swayed from the impact and I took that as my opportunity to kick him on his knee and he dropped to his knees, blood coming out of his head and nose. He was about to punch me but I grabbed his wrist and twisted it reasoning him to groan out in pain. I brought my knee up and slammed it on his face, after throwing a few more punches and kicks he was out like a light and Liam whistled again signalling that the fight was over.

"We have our winner and as usual it's The Crusher." The crowd cheered and I raised my right hand in the air, sending a wink to a guy, he returned the wink and his friends patted him on his shoulder.

I rubbed the sweat off of me and grabbed a bottle of cold water.

"Damn girl that was one hell of a fight." Liam yelled taking out a bundle of money.

"Guess how much fucking money you earned?" I shrugged my shoulders and he answered.

"10,000 dollars." My eyes widened in shock and I spat out the water that I was drinking.

"How much?" Liam scrunched up his nose in disgust and replied.

"Ten thousand dollars." Wow, that's a large amount of money. Fuck I should come to fight more often.

"You really help me run my business, thanks girl." I waved it off and took the money from his hand and put it inside the duffel bag that I brought with myself.

"Bye Liam." He replied with a bye and I soon found myself on the same road that led to my house. Fighting is something that I always liked, it's kinda like my passion. I don't fight just to get money, I enjoy fighting and it gives me some kind of peace. I feel relaxed after fighting. I remember one year ago I met Liam in a gym, he saw something in me and asked if I wanted to learn fighting and who was I to turn that offer down so I agreed and now here am I as one of his best fighters. That was one of the best decision I made till now and I don't regret even a percent of it.

"Ring!Ring!Ring!" I took my annoying, stupid, fucking hell of a alarm and threw it on the floor. I groaned as I realised what I did , here goes my fifth alarm. I dragged myself to the bathroom and quickly showered and brushed my teeth. I dressed into a floral dress which had a brown belt on the middle and flowed down the waist. I applied a thin layer of eyeliner and a bit of lip gloss and brushed my hair. I locked the door and got in my baby, throwing my bag in the passenger seat.

"I missed you my baby." I sighed and drove to hell. Here goes nothing.

I entered the school premises and got the usual winks, whistles and stares from guys and the glares from the girls especially Megan. Seeing her reminded me of how she was getting cozy with Aaron. As usual her face was caked up with makeup and she wore a hot pink mini skirt with a bright orange top which barely covered her boobs. I mean like really hot pink and orange are you fücking kidding me. She looked like a freaking duck. She doesn't even resemble a duck calling her a duck is a disgrace to ducks.

"Hey guys." I saw everyone standing around our lockers.

"Hey." Everyone replied simultaneously. I have a bunch of weird friends but I love them to death. Scratch that everyone has a bunch of crazy friends.

"I am so sleepy." Jake said and I snickered "As if we all enjoy waking up early." He rolled his eyes and the bell rang for the first period; Maths. Great! What a way to start a new day!

I quickly took my books and walked to the class so that I don't have to hear any lecture from Mr Welberg. I sat on my seat and waited for Laura to come. We have the same class today but she still didn't arrive yet. Must be busy sucking Fuckboy's face and I gagged as I imagined them kissing each other. My thoughts were cut short as a book slammed on the desk and Laura sat beside me.

"About time you came." I said eyeing her flushed cheeks, swollen lips and messy hair.

"Someone got a bit busy." I whistled and she blushed punching me on my arm.

"Damn woman I am not the one who was kissing you. If you wanna punch someone then punch Jake not me. Wait how will you punch him? If you do that then who will you makeout with." I dramatically gasped and she opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by my favourite teacher.

"Miss Evans I see you are early today." He said pushing his glasses at the tip of his nose, glaring at me.

"Oh how could I miss your class, sir." The class laughed and his ears were red because of anger.

"Quiet! Take out your book Pg -70. Today we will be learning an interesting type of math." Everyone groaned and I banged my head on the desk.

"I hate maths." Laura laughed and we started learning a new interesting type of Maths. Interesting my ass. Well my ass is interesting. Isn't it?


I am back guys! Long time no see ah. I guess this Chap was better than the last few ones. They were rushed and boring but I hope this ones good. Was it 👍🏻 or 👎🏻?

Question: Anyone have a weakness for Italians cause I do .

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