Chap 29 - Speechless

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Aaron POV

No emotion could describe how I am feeling now.





How could I just burst like this?? I told her I liked her. I even cussed. What else will this girl make me do more??

She is going to be the death of me.

How can a person be so cute, beautiful, adorable at the same time? Is it possible?

You have the living example in front of you.

That's true.

I was on the way to my house when suddenly a thought knocked into my mind.

What the fuck did I do?

I told her that I liked her but what if she doesn't and breaks our friendship. I can't lose her.

A tap on the car window snapped me back to reality and I faced left to see Shaira on her bike signalling me to roll the window. What does she want me to do now? I hesitantly rolled down the window and the next thing she said left me.... SPEECHLESS

"I hate it too"

I slammed the brakes and looked at her back bewildered and still not able to comprehend what happened.

I hate it too

I hate it too?


Does it mean that she likes me too? She said that she hates it which is probably the fact that she likes me?


Why does she have to be so confusing?

Because she is Shaira Evans

Nope cause she is MY Shaira Evans.

I smiled to myself and started to drive again. By the time, I reached home my face was going to break because of how big I was smiling. No matter what, I couldn't stop the grin from appearing on my face. But it quickly vanished when I saw that the lights of her house were off.

Where is she? She should be home by now.

I made a note to call her later and entered the house, running up the stairs to my room to take a quick shower and go to Shaira's house as I had to tutor her. Exams were arriving in six months or so and she still has half of the math syllabus left to finish and what not.

How does she pass in her exams?

It was 7:30 now and still no sign of her. I dialed her number again but she didn't pick up. I decided to go to her house and surprisingly the lights were on. A frown appeared on my face but I ringed the bell and a few seconds later a....guy opened the door.

"Who are you?" We said simultaneously.

"What are you doing over here?" He asked and I could feel myself getting angry by each passing second.

"I came to see Shaira. She is not picking up her phone. I am Aaron." I mumbled and a look of recognition flick through his eyes.

"Oh I know you. Come in." He moved aside and opened the door wider."I am Jace, Shaira's brother." I nodded my head remembering that she didn't live alone now.

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