Chap 25 - One year

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Love this song!!!!!

I stared at him with tears pooling in my eyes. His once dark hair was now lighter and his body was much muscular than before. His jawline was sharp and more defined. He has changed so much but one thing was still the same; his eyes. His hazel eyes still had the same warm and comforting feeling as before. I blink my eyes a few times to reassure that I am not imagining it but turns out that he really is here.

"Chocolate, I missed you." He whispered softly, barely audible but I heard it and that did it. The tears broke out and I rushed out of the house to my bike and started it and drove away not looking back even once.

I waited for him.

I waited for him for one year.

And when he came what did I do

I ran....

I drove the bike not knowing where I am going. I just had to get out of there. I thought he wouldn't come. I stopped the bike to see that I am in front of the place where I fight. Loud cheering and chants could be heard. It was almost 9 so the fight had just started. I parked my bike and walked a bit inside and to the place where Liam was sitting.

I rubbed my eyes and removed the traces of tears so that he doesn't notice it which I am sure he will.

"Hi. How come you are so early?" He greeted and asked me but I wasn't in the mood for greetings. I didn't reply and picked up the gauze that he had and pulled my hair into a bun. This seemed to quiet him down as he didn't ask anything rather fixed a fight with someone and called me to the ring. As usual he said his daily speech but I didn't seem to care as the only thing in my mind was him.

A bell rang and the fight started with my opponent circling me and I observing him and his moves. He threw the first punch at my jaw and it was hard as i heard a slight crack. Damn he broke it. I looked up to see him smirking and boy was he in trouble. I gave my sweet, innocent smile and threw two punches, one after another. He stumbled back and I grabbed his wrist and twisted it, slamming my fist repeated on his face and kicked his stomach making him tumble back in the ground. He tried to stand up but I wasn't going let him go easily. I saw red now. I straddled his waist and punched his temple and he slowly started to faded into unconsciousness.

I punched him. Again. Again. Again. Liam tried to stop me but i gave him a deadly glare. I got up and grabbed this pathetic excuse of a fighter's neck and lastly kicked him in his gut, dropping him. I wiped the blood that was pouring out my nose with my bloody knuckles.

"Liam another." I yelled loudly so that he could hear me above the loud sounds. He looked unsure at first but eventually agreed. He knows that I only fight so much when I am stressed out.

"Looks like Crusher will be having another fight. It's your lucky day guys." Liam speaker through the mike and the crowd hollered, yelling Crusher. Another fighter came and I smirked knowing that he will be a easy one to defeat. And you know what I was right cause after 8 punches and 5 kicks he was knocked out cold. Like why the fuck do they fight when they obviously can't?!

It's fucking point less.

They have to earn money.

I don't fucking want to hear your lecture now.

I left the money and didn't bother to take it from Liam and got on my bike straight to my house. The lights of the hall were still turned on so I guessed that he was still inside. I don't want to face him today so I did what I deemed what was right at that moment. And that's how I ended up sitting beside Aaron in his backyard with a beer in my hand.

"What happened?" He questioned for like the fifth time and I sighed. I really wanted to tell someone but I wasn't sure if I should tell it to him. I trust him but you know sometimes you get the nagging feeling whether you should do it or not. Yeah that's what I was feeling.

"You can tell me." He whispered and I started.

"I was 11 when my family -dad, mom, he - and I were going to a resort which was about 2 hours drive from here. I remember the day like the back of my hand. We were a happy family. My dad loved us and my mom was always happy and cheerful no matter what the situation. He was my Best Friend and rock, always there for me.We were laughing and talking when suddenly a big truck appeared out of no where and slammed to our car causing it to spin and hit the trunk of a tree. I remember screaming for Mom before losing consciousness and she said 'We love you don't forget it and always stay strong no matter what. Promise me.' I promised her and soon her eyelids started to close and as well as mine. After one month, I woke up in a hospital and got the news that they were...dead." A sob wracked through me as I told him.

"I was a crying wreck and couldn't help myself but he handled me and took care of me. But after 5 years on my 16 birthday he told me that he would be gone for 6 months for a break and for his study qualifications. I was devastated. I didn't know what to do. But I let him go because he needed a break. A break from me and all the shit that was going on. He left me with Elizabeth, the woman from the orphanage but I sent her to the orphanage as I didn't want anyone to take care of me. I wanted to take care of myself; become independent. I waited for him but he never came after 6 months I got a call from him saying that he won't be able to come for a long time and that I had to wait more. I waited for him for more than a year  but he still didn't come and I lost hope. I called him but his phone was switched off. I prayed that he was safe and happy. Later, I got to know that the accident was actually a plan and was done by my Uncle who wanted my father's wealth. He was arrested and sent to jail for 8 years for the murder of my parents." I finished and tears poured out my eyes like a river and I couldn't stop it. It's been such a long time since I shared it with someone.

It felt good.

I wiped my tears and sniffed. I looked at Aaron to see him frown.

"Who is this he?"


"Who is Jace?"

I took a swig from the beer and replied

"My Brother who returned after more than 1 year."


Dun! Dun!Dun! How was it bitches?!? Now it's not Everyday you get to see the sassy, chick Shaira cry. Give me some love will ya? Thank you so much guys for 941 reads. I hope to reach 1k reads. So help me! And my beautiful silent readers show me you exist by voting and commenting. I love ya all!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

Question: How many of you guessed it would be her ex-Boyfriend?!?

And please give me some good completed books name. I need it


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