Chap 13 - Sunset with the good boy

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Shaira POV

The following morning we were all ready to go hiking. Everyone was ready and coach was barking orders. I was feeling really sleepy as I slept late last night and woke up at 6. This fucking camping is taking a fucking toll on me.

"Move your lazy asses brats." Coach barked as we were walking real slow. We were going to some god damn cliff ,we will be staying the night near that area and tomorrow we will go back. Then finally I will be able to sleep properly on my soft bed.

"Stop day dreaming bitch." Zain hissed and I glared at him. He huffed and went ahead with others. Fuck I gotta speed up or Imma gonna get lost. I pushed my legs and slowly catches up with them.

"Why are you sulking?" Aaron questioned  me as I was walking beside him.

"I couldn't fucking sleep that's why."I retorted back and he nodded his head. The way was so bumpy with rocks ,branches and twigs. I didn't see where i was going and tripped over a branch. I closed my eyes waiting for the hard ground to make contact with my skin but that never came instead the feeling of two arms wrapping around my waist welcomed me. I kept my eyes tightly shut but slowly opened them to see green eyes staring back at me; Aaron.

"Gotta be more careful spooky." I gulped at the proximity between us , our lips were just inches away from each other. One slight movement would cause our lips to meet.I nervously bit on my lip and saw his gaze shift from my eyes to my lips. His bottom lip was more fuller than his upper one and they looked so kissable. He started to lean in and I followed, our lips were about to meet when

"Get moving. Kiss when you go home." Coach yelled. He pulled me up and I straightened myself . How much I wish to break this coach's head? He ruined my near kiss with Aaron.

I blew out a breath and continued to walk, from the corner of my eyes I saw Megan glaring at me. I returned the glare and she flipped her fake bleached blonde hair over her shoulder and walked away. Can I just punch her already? Stupid Barbie.

(2 hours later )

"Finally I don't think I can walk anymore." Alicia complained and I agreed with her. We finally reached the cliff and had set up the tents and collected wood. I changed out of my dirty clothes to a black leggings and a blue t-shirt with a pair of sneakers. We had set up our tents just a little below the cliff and we had to walk a long way to reach the cliff.

"I am just gonna go to the cliff." I informed Alicia who nodded her head and went back to laying on the ground. Unhygienic bitch.

I took slow and steady steps as I walked or climbed the cliff. After struggling for half an hour I finally climbed the cliff not to mention the times I fell down and the scratches I got. But it was totally worth it for the view that I got to see. I slowly crept to the edge of the cliff and settled down there enjoying the beautiful sunset which lightened up the sky with different Colours - red, orange, pink, yellow. It looked as if the colours were playing around from the way they were mixed with each other creating a new different colour. I was do indulged in the scenery that I didn't sense another person sitting beside me.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Aaron asked and I hummed in response.

I felt eyes on me and turned to see Aaron staring back at me. His face illuminated from the sun rays making his hair look a bit lighter and his eyes shine brightly. I suddenly had the urge to kiss him , to feel his lips on mine. It looked like they were inviting me to kiss them, to taste them. I leaned in and it wasn't late until our lips meet and fireworks exploded in my stomach making me churn in pleasure. The feel of his lips on mine is just indescribable. He slowly moved his lips against mine and pulled me closer by my waist. I wrapped my legs around his waist so that I was straddling him as our lips moved against each other. I felt safe in his arms it felt so right; so good. The kiss was slow and passionate filled with desire. I pulled away breathless and pressed my forehead on his. He stared back at me and moved away. Realisation dawned on me and I slipped away from his lap, standing up I straightened my clothes and hair as it was a mess.

"Uhm... I think we should go now." He cleared his throat, his voice husky from our intense kiss. I nodded my head not knowing what to say and we both walked back.

Why was he at the cliff? Did he regret the kiss? Cause I as hell didn't.

Different thoughts were running wild inside my mind making me breath out a sigh.

"Where were you guys?" Chris asked as he saw us coming together.

"We were at the cliff." Aaron answered and he nodded. I quickly went to the tent to see the girls sitting there together.

"Bitch come here we gotta talk about a lot of things." Sam yelled/whispered and I sat beside Laura .

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked as they narrowed their eyes at me

"What's going on between you and Aaron?" Riley asked and I cleared my throat.

"Nothing is going on between us. Just me being me., you know. Why would you say that?" Everyone had knowing looks on their faces.

"Oh." Laura didn't push the matter further.

It was night and we all were sitting around the fire that we had managed to light up. We were eating marshmallows and listening to crappy history that coach was saying. Megan was sitting beside Aaron running her manicured hands on his biceps and chest. I felt like killing her for practically climbing over Aaron. I have never felt like this before and it was making me worry about what were the emotions that I was feeling. Aaron glanced at me but quickly diverted his attention back to Megan who was busy glaring at me. I can't wait to go home tomorrow.


Hello guys! How are you? The last few chaps were boring and didn't have anything exciting. But I will try to make the next chaps a bit more good and exciting. Tell me how it was?

Question: Whose POV do you like the most? Aaron or Shaira?

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