Chap 16 - Posessive boys

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Aaron POV

I watched as she got inside her house and closed the door. Today I got to see a new Shaira. Not the playgirl Shaira who does flings and cusses but the Shaira who cares and fights just so that she can earn money and help the orphan kids. The way she talks with them and how she bonds with them is really impressive and cute. I never knew that I would get to see this side of her and I am glad that she thought I am trustworthy enough to take me there and tell her secret.

Closing the door, I went to my room to get dressed for the party as it was 6:40 now and I had exactly twenty minutes to get ready. I hopped in the shower and took a quick shower so that I don't any waste time. I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to the closet to get my clothes which were a pair of faded jeans and a black shirt. I dried myself ,put the clothes on and used some gel to style my hair in its usual messy way. I checked the time.


Great I still have 5 minutes, I took my wallet, phone and car keys and went to Shaira's house as she will be coming with me. The boys were picking up their own girls and that left me and Shaira only, so she decided that she will come with me. Not that I minded it or anything. I heard a 'coming' and the clicking of heels. The door opened and my jaw dropped at the sight in front of me.

Breathtaking. That's the only word I could think of as I saw her. She was wearing a black strapless top which showed of her stomach and belly piercing and leather tights with a belt that had some diamond designs on it and a jacket hung loosely on her shoulder. She had a choker on her neck with a diamond cross and her makeup was light which included some brownish eyeshadow, eyeliner and red luscious lips and her hair was cascading down to her waist.

How much I want to kiss those lips.

Shut your mouth , you will catch flies. Said my conscience.

I snapped out of my trance and cleared my throat.

"Ready?" I barely managed to ask. She nodded her head and closed the door. We walked to my car and I got inside followed by her.

"Where is the house?" I asked as I started the car.

"First turn right, then second left and after a few blocks we will reach there." She instructed and I followed her instructions. Music blasted through the radio and she mimicked the lyrics. The windows were open making her hair fall and cover her face.

She is beautiful.

Soon we reached our destination and I stopped the car in front of the house. The house was three storeyed and looked magnificent. Loud music boomed making the ground shake under us. We both got out and entered the house. To say it was packed would be an understatement, it was more than packed. After passing through sweating bodies and men hungrily staring at Shaira and I nearly losing my cool. We reached the bar where the others were sitting and drinking.

"Hey guys." She chirped and got a chorus of 'hi' and 'heys'. I man-hugged the boys and ordered a fruit punch. Honestly I really didn't want to drink and have a hangover. The boys and girls drank like there was no tomorrow. They were a bit tipsy but not that much.

A slow song started and the boys took their own partners for a dance while Shaira and I were sitting over here. I worked up the courage and decided to ask her for a dance but then one of her lover boy came.

"Hey beautiful what are you doing here?" Jack or Drake asked her and she smiled at him.

"Hey Zach." He came closer and stood in front of the high stool she was sitting on.

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