Chap 31 - Surprise

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"So nice to see you again." Said the man whose name I still didn't know or even had seen his face. Not because he wore a mask cause it was absolutely dark over here. Like completely black. Pitch black.

"How does it feel to be in the dark? Scared?" I kept my eyes close. It was futile I couldn't see with my eyes closed Nor with my eyes open.

"No." I lied. He was right the darkness was really getting to me. It felt like I was drowning and no one could save me. It felt as if I was trapped in a coffin. My whole body ached from the number of times they beat me.

"Come on. At least look at me." He jested and laughed at his own joke. There it is. No matter how dark it was he always knew if I kept my eyes close or not which direction I was facing.

It fucking freaked me out!

"How do you know?" I replied and opened my eyes. He chuckled and came a bit close. I could feel his presence in front of me.

"I know everything. Enough chit-chat. Let's start the fun." I felt his warm disgusting breath on my face and turned my face away with disgust.

I fucking hate him.

Me too

For the first time I agreed with my subconscious. I wonder if Jace and the girls are looking for me. My thoughts were interrupted when the chains on my hand were pulled until I was high up in the air. This happened every time he tortured me. He would lift me up from the chains and then start the abuse.

"What do you want from me?" I asked finally having the courage. I was met with complete silence until a knife was pierced right into my previously injured shoulder opening the wound.

"You have been talking a lot lately." He grabbed my jaw in a bruising grip and punched me, breaking my nose and blood rushed out of it. I cried in agony as he slapped me again. I tried to keep my mouth shut cause the more I screamed, the more he enjoyed and continued. Suddenly it was pin dropped silence, not even the sound of the stiletto of a shoe.

Is he gone?

Abruptly, the chains dropped me on the ground with a thud. I had no control over my body it was completely limp from the cold, injuries and blood loss. Footsteps were heard and rough hands grabbed the chains and opened them. He yanked me up by my hair and turned me around so that my face was pressed against the cold, rough wall. He fastened the chains back like a pro as if it's something he's been doing for years. My back faced him and I struggled a bit but that stopped when he pulled me by my hair.

"Ahh.... Please stop." Tears ran down my face as I pleaded him. I couldn't bear the pain anymore. It was getting out of hand. I didn't even for how Long I have been here.

"Shut the fuck up." He roared and punched my side, slamming my body on the wall with my face still pressed against the wall. The walls were made of bricks with no paint or anything on them and it was scratching my face. The chains pulled me up again and I knew what was coming. He only did it to me once but I couldn't handle it for a second time.

No! No! Not again.

Just like that everything was quiet. How does it happen all the time? The whip came on my back with massive pain hitting me on the places where the clothes were torn, which was half of my back and front.

"Count." He yelled hitting me another time and I started counting. The first time I didn't and then he whipped more than he did before. From then on, I knew not to disobey him, the results were awful and agonisingly painful.

1, 2 .....3

The hits continued to come but each time with different whips, some were thick made of leather or animal skin while some were thin. I was his whip tester as he liked to call. My whole back, legs and arms were burning from the whipping. As if someone had thrown boiling water on me. The worst thing was I couldn't even tell them to stop.

The hits came one after another, no name of stopping. I could feel fresh blood flowing down my back to the legs and then at the floor. I could slowly feel myself slipping away that was put down and was facing front rather than the wall. I felt so tired and dizzy that I couldn't even reprimand when he undid the chains and turned me over.

"How many did I give?" He asked and I groaned before answering.


"Not that much next time I will make it more for my princess. I have a surprise for you." He viciously voice out, a sense of danger behind his words.I clearly didn't know what the surprise was about and I had no intention of knowing.

The steps faded and for the first time a light was turned on. I closed my eyes, squinting them and slowly adjusted to the brightness. The brightness made me feel more dizzy and my head started to throb with immense pain. I groaned slowly looking up from the tip of a shoe up a blue jeans, a light purple tshirt then a thin slightly wrinkled neck and lastly the face that shocked me to the core.

Never had I expected in a million years I would have to see this face in a situation like this and with such a wicked look in the eyes, that looked like they were crazy. The name slipped from my mouth even before i could comprehend.


Aaron POV

It's been a week and clearly it's been the worst week ever I had in my whole life. Everything was messed up without Shaira. I couldn't think straight nor do a single thing right. I was slowly becoming frustrated with myself and not knowing whether she was fine or not made me more mad at myself.

What kind of a person am I? I couldn't even look after the girl I like.

I am completely useless.

Three days ago, the police caught the guys who kidnapped her. At first they were reluctant to tell anything but after they were in police custody for a night they lost it and told us the name of the person on whose behalf they did it and that they knew nothing else. I almost punched the guy to death after he said that. I felt like killing him.


That was the name we only knew. I tried telling Jace if he could remember anyone by this name but he said he didn't know. I missed her so much. Never had I ever expected myself to be like this for a girl.

That too a crazy one like her.

Thinking of her was enough for a smile to appear on my face. She had that effect on me. I unlocked my phone and saw the pic of Shaira that was my screen wallpaper. She was looking at the camera smiling, her dark hair falling over her one eye while she was pouting, showing a peace sign and those beautiful eyes shining like diamonds. I took this picture at the camp that we went. I slowly stroked my finger on her picture thinking this was her that I was touching.

She is so beautiful.

Abruptly, my bedroom door opened and in came a panting Jake. I looked at him with my eyebrow raised and the next thing he said made me run to her house like crazy. All I could think about was her.

"Jace might know who he is."


How was it? I think this one was better than the last one. And how was the shock about Elizabeth????? I am really feeling proud of myself.....jk. I showed the way Shaira was treated and I hope it was good. Tell me about what you think?

Question: when is your birthday?

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Ishtara 🙉🙊

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