Chap 20 - Long Journey

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"Yes goal!" Laura cheered and I high fived her as we earned another score. Currently it was 30/27 and we were in the lead.

"We are going to win." I yelled so the girls could hear me over the loud cheering of people.

We were now in the basket ball game cheering for our team. The boys were also here just that they were sitting one row below us.

"Thank you." Laura thanked me as I sipped on my coke.

"For what?" She laughed followed by the girls. The boys were busy watching the game so they didn't hear us.

"Because of you Zach is playing so good today. Fuck! You are one lucky bitch." I rolled my eyes and watched the game.

How many times do I have to tell them that I don't like him???

Let me tell you what happened.


I settled down on my seat just when the speaker went on and the voice of one of the judges boomed through it.

"Zach Steel what do you think who will win the finale today?"

"We have been practising for three months and we have been working hard, everyone in the team,especially our coach. So I know that we will win today for the reputation of Mount valley high school. Also ....because I have my lucky charm with me today." Zach glanced at me and gave me a wink which caused the crowd to 'aww' and I to cover my face with my hands because of the attention and also of the blush that was coating my cheeks now.

"Thank you very much for your co operation." He thanked him and Zach nodded his head while shaking hands with the captain of our rival team - Silver Cross school.

The game was about to start when I received a message from Zach

See ya after the game babe.

I replied with a short yeah and turned my attention to the court where the teams were standing infront of each other. You could see the glare the two captains shared but nonetheless shook their hands.

Zach looked in my direction and send a flying kiss, to which I smiled and the crowd looked at the direction his hand was pointing and saw me. Fuck why is he doing this?

The referee blowed the whistle and the game started.

Flashback over

I watched Zach passed the ball to Mason and he dribbled it close to the post but another player from the opponent team caught it and passed it to another one.

"One minute left." I cursed as I saw the time on the board.

"Come on!" Alicia shouted and Chris gave her a stink eye.

Geez why are they so possessive? She is not going to run away with someone else.

Luke from our team caught the ball in mid air and passed it to Zach who dribbled it all the way to the post but then the other players surrounded him.


He jumped up and passed it to Mason.


He swiftly caught it


And threw it on the basket


The referee whistled and we all jumped up in the air. Zach ran up to Mason and jumped on him making him stumble and fall down. The rest also went and jumped up on them.

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