Chap 30 - Treatment

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"There has been an Attack."

He said it, so easily as if it was nothing new as if there was nothing to worry about. I didn't wait a single second and dashed inside the shop, dodging screaming officers. I got inside and I wish I hadn't.

It was horrible. Counters, chairs, tables and the whole shop was wrecked. The floor was strewn with food, packets and blood. I slowly walked following the trail of blood which left me to a puddle of blood and near it lay a broken phone. I picked it up and examined it. It was Shaira's phone.

But where is she?

I looked around the shop but there was no sight of people only me. The officers came in running along with Jace. I threw the phone at him and he swiftly caught it. His eyes widened as he looked at the now broken phone.

"This is...."

"Her phone." I completed his sentence and took a deep breath. It felt hard to breath properly as if someone was crushing my heart into a million pieces. Why does it feel like that?

"You have to- " The senior officer said but I cut him off.

"Is there a CCTV camera?" The officer sighed, looking tired and walked outside of the shop with us following him. He went and talked with another person and indicated us to come. We went to him and the guy showed us a laptop which contained the footage.

The footage started with people buying things and going to the counter. The guy fast forwarded that part.

"Wait, pause it." I said leaning closer to the laptop, he obliged and resumed a bit.

A girl or more specifically Shaira entered the shop. She bought something from the counter. Everything was going smooth until a group of 5 guys with black hooded mask and guns entered the shop. Everyone started screaming but a guy who seemed like the leader fired and it was completely silent. We couldn't see his face but his eyes were a dark shade of blue and looked soulless. He walked towards her and grabbed her by her hair while the others stood pointing their guns at innocent children and mothers.

I clenched  my fist thinking of how I am going to kill him. He shouted at her and she spit on his face, well on the mask. He started shaking with rage and unconsciously my breathing started to get heavier. The next thing he did was shoot her on her shoulder. I watched as she crouched on the floor clutching her wounded shoulder.

He is dead meat. I am going to kill him for hurting her once I get my hands on him!

A guy shouted at him and they fired the guns as they rushed to the backdoor, completely wrecking the shop and hitting many people on the way. Suddenly the screen went blank and the footage paused showing it had ended.

I looked at Jace as the officers looked at each other. We had no idea what to do.

Please be safe wherever you are.

Shaira POV

I woke up in the dark with my limbs tied with chains on the wall, while I lay on the cold floor with pin dropped silence around me. It been 30 minutes 56 seconds. Yes, I counted. Don't blame me I had to get rid of the boredom. But one thing has been swirling in my mind for a Long time.

Why did they kidnap me?

Why me out of all people?

Who kidnapped me?

My head started to pound with all the questions and my shoulder was still throbbing where I got shot but instead of a open wound with blood oozing out, it was perfectly bandaged. Who did it? Well at least they bandaged it.

Let me tell you something whatever they gave me was making me feel high. My head was spinning while my shoulder ached terribly and the cold floor was making my body numb. Did I mention that it was completely dark and you couldn't see a single thing? It was as if I was blind.

I slowly shifted and pulled my knees closer to my chest and rested my head back on the wall and decided to sleep as my body felt like a badly cracked glass which will break anytime. It wasn't Long before my eyelids started to feel heavy and I dozed off.


I jolt awake as ice cold water was thrown on me. There were no lights lit so I couldn't see the fucking person who did it.

"What the fuck?" I screamed and sat upright. The dark figure chuckled and said in a somewhat chilling voice that would give you shivers.

"I didn't know that princess swore." He chuckled followed by another one.

"Me neither, Sir." Judging by the way he addressed the first man it looked like he must have thrown the water me cause 'Sir' wouldn't do that when he had his serf.

"What the fuck do you want from me?" I said still trying to figure where he was standing. The serf was on my left side, I could feel his presence but couldn't find out where the man was, cause the place was eerily quiet and when he spoke his voice echoed, so it was a bit difficult.

"Tsk,tsk princess. Swearing is not good for health." He tsked and I could feel myself getting annoyed and angry by each passing second.

Fücking prick!

"Can't you just fucking answer the question?" I asked with irritation laced in my voice. He laughed a sinister laugh.

"Now what's the fun in that? I think you should rest princess. I will see you later." The sound of fading footsteps could be heard but it suddenly stopped.

"Mark, take good care of my princess."

I am going to fucking kill this man. MY princess?!?

"Yes, Sir." Mark replied and a door opened. I waited for light to stream in a bit as he opened the door but it was completely dark.

"Ready for your special treatment princess."

"Shut the fuck up." I yelled and he chuckled.

And boy what a treatment I got.

Pretty sure even hospitals don't have such treatments.


Ahh, this chapter sucks. I am not happy how this came out specially Aarons POV . But I promise the next one will be better and longer. Andddd... We reached 2k. Thank you so much for your amazing support. I love you all. Including my silent readers.

So who is this mysterious man? Any thoughts??

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