Chap 27 - He is so big!

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Important authors note at the end. Listen to Zayn's song above. I am literally in love with it and Zayn's sooooooo hot😍😍😍😍

Toni Mahfud as Jace

Shaira POV

The next morning, I quickly took a shower and wore my previous clothes. I got out of the bathroom to see the room empty. Taking my phone and bag, I rushed down the stairs. I entered the kitchen to see Aaron making chocolate pancakes. My stomach instantly growled at the sight. He seemed to not notice me as he was busy cooking. I slowly crept towards him and got on my tippy- toes and slowly whispered.

"I love Chocolate pancakes." He stiffened but relaxed and turned around as I moved beside him and sat on the counter.

"Good cause I love them too." He grinned as he placed the last pancake on the plate and poured some Hershey's with strawberries on top. It looked so good.

"You won't eat." I asked seeing as he served only in one plate.

"Of course I will. I can't stop myself if they are in front of me." He took a knife and fork and cut the pancake in pieces. He raised the fork and fed me and then he ate the pancakes.

"I am such a good cook." He complimented himself. I have to admit the pancakes were amazing and the strawberries balanced the sweetness just perfect.

"That you are." I replied and ate as he continued to fed me and himself.

"You know I can eat on my own." I exclaimed and he shook his head, grinning.

"I like to take care of you." My heart warmed at the thought that he cared for me.

"I like it too." I opened my mouth and took the last bite as did he. He was about to wash the plate but I was quick to take it from his hand and washed it before placing it on the rack that he had for washed dishes.

"Let's go before we are late for school." He said and grabbed his bag from the dining table and walked out of the house. I followed him out and he closed the door.

"You go now, I will come later." I replied feeling the need to confront Jace. I can't hide from him. One day or the other I have to face him. Why not now?

"Ok I will see you later." He went towards his car but stopped mid -way and came back. I looked at him and raised a eyebrow as he jogged up to me.

"What?" I asked and he placed a kiss on my cheek lightly before pulling away. A tinge of pink coloured his cheek and he turned back to his car, smiling from ear to ear. I grinned and shook my head at his antics and the feeling I got at the pit of my stomach. I walked up to the porch of my house and took a deep breath before unlocking the door with the key and entered the house.

I went to the hall where the sound of the TV was coming from and saw Jace sprawled on the couch simply staring of at space. My presence seemed to catch his attention as he sat up and smiled at me.

"You look much better without those ugly pimples." He grimaced and i couldn't stop myself from smiling mentally. Earlier, I used to have a few pimples here and there and he would always come and poke them. Teasing me, that I looked horrible with them. But later on I got rid of them. Puberty to the rescue.

He smile faded when he saw that I didn't respond and walked up to me.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to leave you like that ." He lowly said and i replied.

"I hate you for leaving me but I will let you explain." He sighed in relief and nodded his head before starting.

"After I left from here , I moved in with one of my friends who lived in England. The first three months I spent working and taking classes but remember I would call or message you but then I suddenly stopped." I nodded my head remembering the times I called him.

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