Chap 37 - Queen

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"Alright. You are healing really quick which is a good sign." The replacement doctor said while checking the heart monitor. Dr Rein was on vacation so a young and hot doctor came in his place.

"Everything is fine. You should be able to go home in a few days." I nodded my head and gave him a smile just then Aaron along with the others. The doctor gave me a wink and smiled before leaving and Aaron visibly stiffened with his eyes narrowed at him.

"Damn. Is it hot outside or the temperature here is high?" Riley said while fanning herself and I laughed.

"He was fucking hot." Beamed Alicia.

"Too hot for my innocent eyes." Laura exclaimed and from the corner the guys  except Jace looked like they were to kill with fists  clenched and narrowed eyes, even Aaron was glaring at the floor.

Is he jealous?


Let's have some fun.

"If only I could have him for one night. It would be lit." I replied dreamily and Aaron turned his eyes to me but I continued to look at the girls. The corners of my lips twitched up slightly but I controlled myself from smiling. Alicia seemed to notice this as she had a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Did you take his number? Where does he live? Imma gonna go and tie him to his bed at night and have some fun." She said and Sam followed.

" Call me. I am also gonna join you." Alicia showed her a thumbs up. Jace watched the scene unfold amused.

"I am gonna bring the handcuffs a-" Laura replied but was cut off by Jake's angry voice.

"If you mention him one more time, I am going to kill him." He spat through his clenched teeth but Laura seemed unfazed by that as she continued.

"Bitch you'r joining right?"

"Yup. Been a long time since I relaxed a bit." I smirked to have extra effect and that was the last straw before the guys exploded.

"That's enough!" Jake strode to where Laura was and threw her over his shoulder and carried her out. She moved her hair out of her face gave me a wink.

"You want to have fun right? I will show you the meaning of fun. Come here." Chris said and carried Alicia bridal style while she faked cried to put her down. Not being able to control Jace burst out laughing so did I. Soon Ryan and Zain carried their own girlfriends and were out in less than a second.

"That was fucking hilarious." Jace exclaimed wiping the tears that escaped his eyes.

"It was my plan, had to work." I flipped my hair dramatically and he scoffed.

"Jace, can I talk to Shaira in private?" Aaron questioned and he nodded and left the room.

Aaron turned to me with a serious and intense look on his face and certain emotions swirling in his eyes.

What happened?

"Look, I know it's not been a long time since we met but I really really like you and from the recent events I got to know that life's really short and it won't wait for you. So with that thought I would like to ask you a question."

Fuuuuuck! Is he going to say what I am thinking??

"Shaira, will you be my Girlfriend?" He asked his eyes desperately searching mine.

"Yes." I answered and a full blown smile on my face.

Finally, I thought he would never ask.

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