Chap 28 - I HATE YOU

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I was so excited for this chap that I couldn't wait to write. I am sure you gonna enjoy it. Thank you @emilyawesome383 for this cover. I love it❤️❤️❤️❤️

The rest of the day went by quickly after the morning drama where the girls got a lecture of talking about my brother's dick and how hot he is.Yeah I told them. Chris was fuming after they told him everything and every line that was said. Jake , let's not talk about him he was so angry that he was almost about to fuck Laura in the locker. He was blabbing and she kissed him to shut him up and that turned into a hot makeout. Soon everyone did the same or found another way to calm their own partner. I and Aaron were standing there awkwardly glancing at each other at times and gagging as we watched them makeout. Zain was much less angry cause he knew that Whore would never talk about a boy like that. Only on special occasions.

You get what I mean? Yeah. Good

The school was almost empty as I walked to my locker. I was late as I got a detention from my bio teacher. I was walking towards my car when I heard someone scream my name.

"Shaira!" I turned around to see Zach jogging to me.

"Hey." He panted a bit and I raised a brow in confusion.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked and his face became serious."I wanted to talk to you." He nervously said while scratching the back of his neck.

What does he want to talk about now?

We will get to know it. Have patience.

"As you see.. I -um I..." He stuttered and bit in his lip.

"I what?" I asked getting a bit annoyed  cause I just wanted to go to home and sleep now. He took a deep breath and what he said next astonished me.

"I... I love you."



"What?" I said a bit breathless as I was still trying to process his words.

"I love you, Shaira. I realised that I liked you a lot and wanted to be more than friends with you. It took a lot of time and courage but.... I love you." He said smiling at me with emotions swirling in his eyes. What do I do now? I don't love him not even like him.

I like Aaron.

He was getting nervous by each passing second and my lack of coordination was making him more fidgety. I decided to tell him the truth and not play with him. Maybe there is a much more better girl for him than me. Someone who deserves him, loves him, cares about him and I am not that person.

"Zach... I don't love you." I whispered lowly but loud enough for him to hear it. His face fell and his eyes showed hurt and I felt more guilty for breaking his heart."Ok." He whispered in a barely audible voice and turned around to walk away but I stopped him by grabbing his wrist. He faced him with his emotion filled eyes.

"Zach just because I don't love you doesn't mean that it's the end of the world. You are a really great guy with polite and caring behaviour and any girl would be lucky to have you. Hell, I would feel lucky if I was that girl. But I am not. Do you know what that means?" I took his face in my hand and lifted his face and he shook his head.

"It means that there is a far more better, beautiful and loving girl than me. Who will treat you like you are the King of the Universe. Who will bear your tantrums, have pillow fights, cuddle with you and hold you when she is scared while watching a horror movie. And you could get any girl if you want with that handsome and cute face of yours. But don't misuse it. I want you to know that there IS a girl who will take care of your heart like its the most precious thing in the whole world. Promise me you won't stop liking or caring about others." I said while placing one of my hand in front of him and he placed his on mine.  

"I promise." He gave me a weak smile and I pulled him in a tight hug and he wrapped his arms around me. He pulled away and left but not before kissing my forehead. I watched as he left and turned around to see a familiar figure storming away and I could tell it was Aaron, seeing his stiff shoulders. He didn't notice me as his back faced me but I stopped him.

"Aaron." I yelled and jogged up to him. He continued walking with his jaw clenched. What happened to him now?

"What are you still doing here?" I asked him but he didn't answer and kept on walking. I was almost running to keep up with his long strides.

"Come on. Are you giving me the silent treatment? What happened?" He abruptly stopped and I ran into him. He turned around and his eyes were filled with rage and his face almost red.

He looks hot.

Stop thinking about sex.

"What happ-" I was cut off by Aaron's angry voice.

"What happened to me you ask! YOU HAPPENED! I FUCKING LIKE YOU, DAMN IT! I like you! And I absolutely hate it ok? I hate that perfect smile of yours. I hate that careless behaviour of yours. I hate those perfect eyes. I hate that you are so damn perfect! I HATE THAT I LIKE YOU! That's what fucking happened to me." He shouted with his face red and fists clenched at his sides and I just stood there all stiff and shocked; again

He likes me?

He likes me!?

Yes You fucking idiot he likes you.

I wanted to say that I like him too but all that came was.

"You cursed." I gasped thinking that this was first time I heard him curse in this one month.

"That's all you picked up." He scoffed and left from there, walking to his car and I....stood there.

Fucking go after him.

For the first time you said the right thing.

I am always right!

I ran to where my bike was parked and quickly started it and took off in the direction Aaron went which was the route to my home and his. I increased the speed and raced through the street passing the cars. Not long enough I saw his car and smiled. Increasing the speed, I went to the left side of the car, maintaining the speed with his and saw him driving but he didn't spot me. I pressed the auto control button and with my right hand knocked on the window.

Such an awesome bike I have.

This feels like an action movie scene where the actor chased the villain with his bike. He faced towards me and was a bit surprised. I glanced front to see if any car was coming from the opposite way and then motioned him to roll down his window. He controlled the car and maintained some distance so that it doesn't crash with mine. The car speed decreased a bit as he rolled the window down. Before he could ask anything, I said what I wanted to and took off like a jet.

"I hate it too."

I dodged his car and went forward. A certain screech was heard and I looked from the mirror to see the car had stopped. I wonder if he understood it.

He must be shocked.


Didn't see that coming😂😂😂What the fuck did I just type?? Finally he confessed and.... Cursed. Aaron cursed, I don't know why but I find it really funny. Anyone else who finds it funny?? I feel bad for Zach. Anyone of you do feel bad for him??

Question: What do you think will happen next?

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