Chap 10 - Screaming girls in the house

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Pic of Laura

I tossed and turned for an hour now but couldn't sleep. I got up from my bed , took my pack of cigarette and went to the window. The full moon and millions of stars were lighting up the dark sky. Cool breeze was flowing making my hair sweep. I lit up the cigarette with a lighter and inhaled deeply. I know smoking is bad for health but I don't care. I am not a chain smoker, I only smoke sometimes. I was enjoying the solitude when an idea popped in my mind.

I tiptoed to one of the guest rooms where Alicia and Riley were sleeping. I opened the door and slowly crept towards the bed.

"Alicia, wake up." I shook her shoulder but she was in deep sleep. How can she sleep so much?

"Wake up... you Motherfucker." She groaned and turned around ,rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Get up." She sat up and asked.

"Why?What happened?" .

"Nothing happened but something will happen." I smirked. She raised an eyebrow and I woke Riley up. Get ready boys !

I watched as Alicia and Riley slowly walked to Aaron and Chris's room. I opened my phone and started recording and turned on a creepy tune I had in my phone. Both of them were wearing white loose full sleeve gowns and had blood on their mouth which actually was makeup with wild unruly hair like a birds nest. Their nails were painted red with fake claws that I had from last Halloween. Laura and Sam were in Jake and Ryan's room. I watched as Aaron stirred and rolled on his back. He slightly opened his eyes and closed them.

I was behind the door recording it, Alicia stood in front of Chris while Riley stood in front of Aaron. He suddenly opened his eyes and Riley gave him a bloody smile and raised her hands forward to scratch him. He abruptly sat upright and screamed like a girl which startled Chris and he sat up sleepily. When he saw Alicia, he screamed and pulled Aaron closer to him and wrapped his arms around his shoulder. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. Aaron wrapped his around Chris's torso and pressed his head to Chris's forehead like a Mother would do to her Son. I increased the volume where a scream was recorded and both the boys started mumbling about being dead. Riley and Alicia started laughing and I stopped the recording and turned the lights on. We three started to laugh like crazy . Then we heard another scream from the other guest room and started to laugh more loudly. The boys were shocked and glared at us. I fell on the floor clutching my stomach and the girls followed by. Ryan and Jake came running with Laura and Sam behind them laughing. It's was a sight to see. It looked like the boys were going to pee their pants.

"You" Aaron pointed at me." You are dead." I got off running down the stairs still laughing. He was chasing me as I entered the kitchen. I stood behind the counter frantically looking for something to defend myself. I found it just as Aaron entered the kitchen with his jaw clenched. I hid it behind my back and just as he came forward to catch me , I threw the two eggs at him. It landed on his chest and the yolk slid down while the other hit his forehead.

"You are dead meat today." He took the flour and I ran to the other side. Just as I was about to get out of the kitchen , arms wrapped around my waist and flour was smashed on my face and hair. I screamed and the others came in running.

"It's on." I took the milk, opened the lid and turned it upside down. Aaron was now drenched in milk from top to bottom. The others joined in also and we had a massive food fight. The whole fridge was empty now and we were covered in food.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"God that was so fun." Ryan exclaimed  as I nodded my head.

"It was now let's clean up the mess we created." Everyone groaned at the mention of cleaning and after 2 hours the kitchen was as good as new. But we were covered in sauces ,flour, eggs, milk and I was stinking like a pig covered in mud.

"I am going to go and take a shower." I ran up the stairs to my room and immediately went to the bathroom eager to take a shower. I scrubbed every inch of my body with my vanilla scented body wash and massaged my scalp with my shampoo to get rid of the disgusting smell of egg. I wrapped a towel around my body and went to my closet and slipped on a tank top with short shorts and jumped on my bed knowing the others were going to sleep too. Just as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

I entered the hall to see everyone sitting or laying on the couch.

"Good morning." I dropped on the love seat and got a few 'good mornings'.

"So what are we doing today? It's Sunday." I asked and Chris replied.

"We gotta pack our stuff as we will be going camping tomorrow." I remembered that we were going to camping on Monday and we had to pack our stuff.

"Oh so you guys will be leaving now." I asked.

"Yeah cause it will take sometime to pack." Alicia said and I instantly knew what she meant. Never and I say Never agree to take help or help Alicia to pack things it's awful.

"We will get going." Aaron stated.

After they all left , I went to my room and packed my stuffs. It took half an hour and when I finished it was already night cause I woke up pretty late. I ate the left over pizza from last night and went to my room and turned on the tv. I shifted channels to see The Vampires Diaries which I usually don't watch. My phone ringed and I opened my phone to see a message from..... Aaron

Good night.

I laughed and replied

Good night , scaredy cat

I turned my phone off and fell asleep while watching tv. I hope this camping goes good.


Hello Mio Amore! How as the chap ? Good or bad. They will be going for camping . Do you think anything will happen while they are on camping?😉😉 Tell me what you think?

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