Chap 21 - Worried

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I placed the flowers that I bought on my way here to their tombstones. Lilies were dad's favourite and roses were mom's .It was still raining and I was completely drenched.

Ethan Evans
Loving Father,Husband, Son & Brother

Elena Evans
Loving Mother,Wife, Daughter & Sister

"Hey Mom and dad." I whispered brushing my hand on their names. Dad's wish was that after his death, he will be buried in the place where he and Mom met which was a few hours away from the house, close to the woods and there was a grave yard close to it so after their death,they were buried here beside each other, where they belonged.

"It's been a long time and I really miss you. He didn't come back yet and I don't know if he ever will. But you know what happened. The girls found someone for themselves who are friends of Jake and affectionate. Alicia is with Chris, Laura with Jake, yes she is with Jake can you believe it. Sam with Ryan, Riley is still with Zain and I...well I am still the same." A few tears left my eyes as I talked to them. Though they were not here I could still feel their presence. Mom's contagious laugh and Dad's protective hug. I missed them so much.

"Dad don't worry Jenny is still good and I came here with her. She is still as new and awesome as before. Mom, I take care of the not really but it's ok you will be able to stay there. And I have a Neighbour, Aaron he is also a Friend of Jake and mine too. Yes, I take care of myself. I miss you guys so much." My tears were mixed with the rain so you couldn't exactly see that I was crying but I am sure my eyes were bloodshot.

Dad used to call his bike Jenny and it was his life. It took everything in me to not to break down. I missed mom's warm hug. Most of all he didn't come as usual.

"Ok I guess I will go now. I love you guys. Always." I wiped my tears and walked out of the graveyard back to Jenny and gave one last glance at them and turned back.

Aaron POV

Pick up, pick up, pick up

Damn why she is not picking up her phone. Where the hell is she? I slammed my phone on the desk and sat down on the bed running my fingers through my hair in frustration. She is still not here. After the game finished she didn't come back but her car was over here and it's been raining heavily outside. I have been trying to contact her for an hour now. The girls won't even tell me where she is. They said and I quote 'She is fine don't worry she will come back.'

Jake doesn't even say anything to me. I picked up my phone and dialed her number again.

The number you have dialed is currently switched off please try again later.

"Where are you? Please come back." I mumbled and I could feel myself on the verge of crying.

Why am I crying for a girl who I don't even know about?

You know her idiot. Her name is Shaira.

Will you shut up for once??

During the match that Zach kept hitting on her and I had to control myself so I don't rip off his head. Like how dare he call her HIS lucky charm?? Ugh she is missing and I Am thinking about Zach.

Why do I feel so protective of her? Why don't I want any guy near her? Why do I always care about what she thinks of me? Why?

The sound of an engine dying down pulled me back to my senses. She is here. I dashed to the door and ripped it open to see her drenched going back to her house. Not caring about the rain I ran up to her and pulled her into a bone crushing hug by wrapping my arms around her waist and burying my face in her neck, breathing in her barely present vanilla scent mixed with rain.

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