11/ Love Costs A Lot But The Pain Comes For Free

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* DISCLAIMER: Contains explicit language, drug use, violent references, sexual content.

Monday · March 5, 2001 · Rochester, New York

I made my way out of the room and down the hallway. I could hear music coming from Sid's room and I only felt even more anxious as I passed by to the elevator. I was on the seventh floor, so I only had to go down one but I'm feeling lazy as fuck after smoking so much and earlier tonight's show. So fuck taking the stairs.

I stood outside of Phil's door for a few moments; too scared to knock on the door because I could hear a guitar being played. Finally I got the courage to knock even though the door wasn't shut all the way.

"Come in, it isn't locked." Phil called out. I pushed open the door and slowly stepped in. Phil looked up at me and I was nearly starstruck. He'd obviously had a shower and cleaned up since the show. He was just sitting on the bed with his hair down, guitar in his lap and a cigarette in his mouth. He looked shocked to see me.

"Alice, hey. Are you alright?" He asked as he saw my bag in hand.

"Yeah.So, I see they didn't tell you. I uh- needed a room to crash in, but I see youonly have one bed so I'm just gonna go down here and try to book anotherone." I explained and turned around to leave.

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"Hey, don't go. You can stay here. I can chill in the chair. I don't sleep much these days." He said and resumed playing guitar.

"It's alright. I don't wanna put you through the trouble." I said and opened the door. He stopped playing again but I left anyway.

The door shut behind me and I walked to the elevator. I decided to go have a couple of drinks before getting a room. Who knows, I might not even end up needing it.

I sat down at the bar and put my bag between my feet.

"Jack and Coke... Hold the coke," I said to the bartender and put my head down as I waited for my drink. I heard a loud clank in front of me and saw a whole bottle of Jack Daniels and a shot glass. The bartender winked at me and I slid her a $100 bill, thanking her greatly.

I looked to my right and saw none other than Sid sitting at the end of the bar, looking sadly over to me. I sighed and looked back down, pouring myself a shot. I gulped it down and winced slightly. It was pretty warm, and I was used to my liquor being over ice. But oh well, pretty soon I wouldn't know the difference anyway.

"Hey, darling. I meant what I said back there. You always have a place with me and you know that," I heard Phil from behind me. I immediately felt the tears start pooling in my eyes. I downed another shot and refilled the glass immediately.

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