07/ Eye of the Storm

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* DISCLAIMER: Contains explicit language, drug use, violent references, sexual content.

Monday · February 19 · Waterloo, Iowa

"I really wanna see Thirteen Ghosts." Mandy said as she stared at the small tv munching on popcorn.

"So let's go to the movies before we have to head out," I suggested. She turned and looked to me as if I grew another head.

I cocked an eyebrow at her. "THAT'S THE BEST IDEA I HAVE EVER FUCKIN HEARD!" She screamed as she jumped up.

"Dude what the hell are you doing up here?" Mick asked as he emerged from the back of the bus with Clown, Paul and Chris in tow.

"We're going to the movies and see Thirteen Ghosts before we leave!" I said and gave the guys two thumbs up which I noticed Mandy copied.

Needless to say, we're all sitting in the theater at about one in the afternoon to watch a new horror movie just released. We all took our seats after buying all of the sodas and snacks we could ever want.

The seating arrangement went like this: Craig, Jim, Mandy, Paul, Me, Sid, Chris, Mick, Joey, Hanna, Corey, Sam & Shawn. We're just about the only ones in here too. That could be a good thing and potentially dangerous.

Pretty much the couples were making out throughout the previews like they're still teenagers. I decided to throw popcorn at the other people in the theater as well as our band mates.

"I wonder if I can ring Hanna's mouth. She's got that bitch wide open!" I whispered in Sid's ear as I watched her make out session. It was actually pretty gross. I leaned over in front of Sid slightly to get my aim and just when I was about to throw it I was smacked on the arm.

"Fuck off!" I whispered loudly and saw that Paul was trying to get my attention. He pointed to his left so I looked up and saw that one of the staff was standing there to tell me to stop throwing popcorn.

I popped the popcorn into my mouth and smiled sarcastically at the woman. She finally walked away and I slumped back into my seat.

Halfway through the movie I had to pee. I stood up and looked to my left. There was way too many seats to try and go that way. I turned to the right and tripped over someone's foot and fell backwards, halfway in Chris and Sid's laps. I started laughing uncontrollably but not loud. Chris pushed me over off of him and I landed fully in Sid's lap.

I turned around and apologized to him before getting back up and walking more carefully through the aisle.

'Damn, Alice. Can you be a bigger idiot?! God, I have really got to stop talking to myself.. This can't be healthy.'

"Feel better now?" Sid asked me as I took my seat once again.

"Much. Sorry you didn't get that lap dance this time," I shot him a wink and turned back towards the movie.

"Well, there's always later, darling." He whispered into my ear making me blush.

Ielbowed his side gently and he laughed before turning his attention back to themovie, but not before resting his hand on my knee. I blushed even harder andtried to concentrate on the screen in front of me. But damn, he's making ithard to concentrate on anything but him..

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