06/ What You're Looking For

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* DISCLAIMER: Contains explicit language, drug use, violent references, sexual content.

Tuesday · February 13, 2001 · Camden, New Jersey

Last night I met up with Tripp from Static-X backstage and he hooked me up with some cocaine. I know Joey does it every now and then so I figured 'what the hell?'.

"Yo, Joey. Come hit this shit with me." I called over to him. It was just the two of us on the bus right now as everyone else went out shopping at the mall but I didn't care about going. Joey just slept too late and by the time he woke up they were gone.

"Oh shit, where'd you get this?" He asked me in shock.

"Don't worry about that. Come on." I said and pulled him to the little table in the kitchen area.

We're currently playing tag in the bus, knocking shit in the floor and tripping over it everywhere.

"You know, Ali. Sid really has it bad for you." Joey randomly confessed to me.

"Why are we playing this shit on the bus? Why not go outside?" I avoided his statement as I ran off the bus at lightning speed.

"Where did you gooo!" Joey called as he followed behind me.

"Come with meee!" I ran to what I thought, for some reason, was a playground but was really only grass area of the parking lot we were in.

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"What the fuck are you doing?" At the sudden noise my eyes shot open. I noticed it was nearly dark outside and I was lying in grass; how the hell did I get here? When my eyes focused I could tell this was Corey standing above me. He reached his hand down to help me up and I accepted.

"I- I don't know. I was with Joey but I don't remember going to sleep. I'm- was high," I explained really fast.

'What the hell happened? Where's Joey? And where am I?'

"Dude you're almost two miles away from the bus. What were you doing? Joey's been back for an hour worried about you. We've all been scared shitless about you girl," Corey reached in his pocket for his phone and dialed a number.

"I found her... In some fucking grass miles away from the bus... Yeah just meet me back there... She seems fine. Bye." Corey quickly hung up and picked me up.

"Whoa, what are you doing man?" I asked, getting dizzy.

"I'm taking you back to the bus. You said you were high - what did you do?" He asked as he cut his eyes down to my face.

"Coke," I whispered and his eyes widened.

"What the hell for?" He asked sternly.

"Because I wanted to. Damn, It's not the first time. Phil and I used t-" I was cut off by Corey's yelling.

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