25/ Tremble For My Beloved

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* DISCLAIMER: Contains explicit language, drug use, violent references, sexual content.

I came to when I felt a slap to the face. "Alright, she's awake. Let's get her inside." I heard Joey's voice and I was picked up bridal style. Unable to focus on who it was I leaned against them.

"Smell good," was all I managed to get out before the darkness again consumed me.

I woke again to see Sid standing above me. As soon as he noticed I was awake he threw me a small smile and handed me a cup of water.

I looked around for anyone else but didn't see anyone. I still didn't want to be anywhere near Sid right now and I started to panic yet again, not being able to breathe.

"Alice, stop. Look at me. Everyone's on stage playing a show. We think you have alcohol poisoning. You need to drink this. Can you hold on to the cup or do I need to hold it for you?"

Everything he said just went straight from one ear and out the other. Nothing retained in my brain. I heard him sigh and he tilted my head back slightly and raised the cup, pouring some water into my mouth.

When I swallowed the first bit, I realized how thirsty I was and grabbed the cup, placing my hands on top of his and tilted it farther, drinking the entire contents in one go. I let go of the glass when all the liquid was gone and Sid stood up to go back to the front of the bus.

He returned a minute later with a pill and another glass full of water. "Take this and drink up." He handed me the pill and I fumbled with it, before dropping it into my lap. I grabbed it again and he took it from me.

"Here," he sat beside me again and parted my lips with his hand and set the pill on my tongue. He raised the glass to my lips again and I drank as much water as I could at the time. I slowly started to feel better as the minutes passed.

"What- wha- why are you here?" I asked him and he looked at me as if I were a ghost.

"The show is going on right now. Everyone's on stage. Your band, too." He said and my eyes widened in surprise. I attempted to jump up but stumbled and realized that was a bad idea. Sid wrapped me in his arms and walked me to my bunk.

"Shh, just rest. It's okay." He said as he moved some hair out of my face.

"I need'a brush my teeth." I told him. Sid slowly let go of me and I made my way to the bathroom – leaning onto the wall as I went.

Emerging from the bathroom, I didn't see Sid anymore. My current state made me begin to wonder if I just imagined all of the previous events. I walked to the front to get another glass of water. I raised the glass to my lips and nearly jumped out of my skin as the door to the tour bus slammed shut. I dropped the glass and it shattered at my feet. Great, I have no shoes on either.

Sid looked up at me and cursed under his breath. "Don't move. Hold on." He walked over the glass and picked me up. He sat me on the counter and fixed the water for me again. Handing it to me, some events of yesterday came rushing back to my mind so suddenly that I choked on the fluid.

"Shit, you okay?" He asked me and I nodded.

"You- wer-.... Let me off the counter. This is disgusting." I stuttered out.

Sid laughed at me. "It wasn't disgusting when it was us doing it." He said with a smirk. The old him that I fell for was showing today, and that started to scare me.

"I will jump onto that glass if you don't get me off this nasty fucking counter." He remained where he stood and crossed his arms, as if testing me.

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