♪ Sentimental ♪

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Jimin Focus

"♪This feeling that comes to me every night without fail; for some reason I hate it.♪"

Jimin's small retro tabletop radio buzzed, the  reedy sound of the unknown band singing through the dim pink lull of his room.
The tiny brunette sat patiently waiting with his phone in hand, ready to write down the song name.

He knew he could always just look up the lyrics or Shazam it to find out who the band was, but the reason he didn't was only beca-

"Hello listeners, this is MC Gloss and that last song was Sentimental by Winner." The brunette squealed, sock-covered feet falling off his mattress as he moved to turn up the volume. His mum and dad were out for the rest of the night for one of their work balls down in Gwangju so he was planing on living it up for as long as he could.
His phone buzzed from his pillow and he shot over to get it, moving just as quick to sit by the box of sound again.

"Tae?" Jimin asked.

"Jimin?! Are you hearing him?! God. He sounds even better than usual tonight." His best friend groaned, the sound of blankets rustling in the background.

"So this morning my car didn't start so I couldn't get to my local coffee shop.  I looked like a damn mess, my friend- the fucker who crashes the show to sing almost every damn da-"

"Me?" A distant voice interrupted, laughter lacing their throat.

"Yes you. Anyways he and I were rushing to grab Runchie's order and make it on time for his broadcast. So if he sounded a little groggy this morning. Blame Gukk." Jimin laughed, imagining two guys flying through a Starbucks and trying to throw out one of Runch's complicated, over caffeinated orders. He could hear the echo of both his and his best friend's  radio's going at the same time, through the receiver and smiled. He and his best friend had been listening to Bangtan Radio for around three years now; the show had just started airing then.

"He sounds tired. I hope he's sleeping enough." The small listener pouted, setting the call to speaker as he took the radio between his stubby little fingers.

"I just think it's cute he calls Runch Randa 'Runchie' like how fucking cute is that?! They're both so hardcore but yet totally adorable. I ship it." Taehyung's baritone voice called out.

"Ew, Tae. No. If anything he and this Gukk friend of his should be a ship." Jimin protested, playing with the ends of his white and yellow medallion-print blanket. He had his window open, allowing the warm summer breeze to glide in and tickle his thin, white curtains around the frame. The cicadas were singing a perfect, staticky song just as Gloss started to wrap up his commentary.

"No way. Runcha Randa and Gloss have known each other way longer. We're just now hearing about this playboy Gukk." Taehyung giggled. I shook my head, Taehyung and him always had rivaling ships so this wasn't anything new.

"I'll just ask the fan chat then." Jimin hissed confidently. He went into his desk drawer and pulled out his laptop, already tuned into the site. Several fans were already posting about this mystery boy, others even jumping to conclusions and saying it possible that anytime Gloss said he was 'out with a friend' it could've been Gukk.

Dboy_gloss: guys there's no way it's been Gukk *every* time.

Runch_Tits: fr besides Gloss is out with Randa more than this Gukk. He talks about them going out for coffee all the time.

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