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Jimin Focus

It'd been two weeks.

Two weeks. Since Yoongi had talked to him at the thrift store. Jimin didn't show up for his little shifts on the regular like he used to. He didn't pass by the book store unless it was past the dark haired boy's shift and Jae was flipping on the old dusty reading lamps while situating his purple half mooned glasses (Jimin had told him he looked ridiculous, but Youngk seem ultimately fond of the ugly witch's crystal frames). He didn't show up at the pet shop asking if the older wanted to study. He only went to the coffee house on days the other wasn't working. He didn't get any texts from the older, nor did he send any out.

Last Sunday, Jae had spotted Yoongi heading their way with a group of people he didn't recognize and the one girl he'd hoped to never see with the black haired boy.

("Is that Yoongi?")

Sunny had her arm wrapped around Yoongi's waist while the older kept of with the others in the group to window shop- oblivious to her advances.

"Yoongi-hyunmpf!" Jungkook tried calling, only to have Jimin cover the words with his tiny blessed hand.
The two boys had met eyes for a second before Yoongi looked away and continued with his tour of the mall with his friends.

It was like they'd never even met.

The junior woke up two weeks later on a Thursday morning to his phone alarm ringing with Runch Randa's 'Awakening'.
He whined, kicking at his sheets and tapping furiously at the buzzing screen on his bedside table. His radio hummed, already awake at his desk. Randa seemed to just be opening up the morning with some calming insights about 'Planning out weekly goals for yourself and learning to make time for self care' as always along with a few album recommendations.

One of the things he loved about the morning MC is that he always started his casts on a good note or with a story of what he'd broken most recently in the studio.

"I hope you all are well and are enjoying the nice weather we've enjoyed having. This morning I got my first ice coffee of the year with Gloss. He's been having a... tough time recently so out and about right now, but he'll be on tonight. Anyways! This is MC Runch Randa and Welcome.... To Bangtan. This morning I have pretty decent playlist for the upcoming Summer." Runch laughed, a deep, hearty sound that vibrated the speakers. Jimin rolled out of bed with a smile at the sound and made way to his bathroom to shower. He stripped himself of the only clothing he had, painful morning wood making itself known as it pressed into his stomach. The dark haired pup stared at his bathroom ceiling in defeat, running the water cold out of tired desperation.

Really? He asked his body- not getting any answer other than the painful throb shooting down his dick.

He didn't have time for this. As soon as he stepped into the icy fire rinse, he hissed and tried hard to adjust to the thick layer of goosebumps spreading along his skin.

He rolled his shoulders under the cooling water and pointedly ignored the stingy uncomfortableness in favor of getting ready for the day.

Jimin waited: massaging shampoo into his hair- tugging absentmindedly at the back and letting out a satisfied hum. He lathered his body up with soap and berated himself for still being hard.

Ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it. He clenched his teeth. He rinsed off the suds from his hair and did a quick shave- not that he truly needed it- around his jawline.

Yoongi seemed to be rolling around his head that morning more than he liked to admit. Jimin closed his eyes under the ice of the shower and hissing when it pricked his overly sensitive skin in small tremor'd shivers.

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