♪False Sympathy♪

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Jimin Focus

He never thought.

Gloss was a radio icon loved by millions for his smooth, sultry voice and vocal sex appeal. He had tons of fans- some less loyal than others since the reveal of the station's address- who worshipped him and stood bated in their breath at night for him to open the late night radio.

Over the years the BTRadio fandom had all tossed in their bets and gambles:

Blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin, muscular build- a good old Jason.

Brown hair, green eyes, decent bod, sly smile- your basic Percy.

Black hair, tall frame, squinty eyes, dangerously attractive- a real Charles.

Never had anyone thought about the true Vegas lights of the real host: MC Gloss, blue hair, thin body, gummy grin.
Black curly hair, rows of piercings, button nose.
Slim thighs, broad shoulders, melted auburn, calico eyes.

Jimin hadn't thought. He was no better than the rest of the oblivious fans hiding behind a pin names and icons; sending out blind appreciation for the idol they thought they new, and left when they were presented with the truth.

Not only had he been totally unaware- he hadn't even suspected! It was dangling right in front of his nose like the ultimate treat for the small pup and yet he hadn't found even a trace of the scent.

Gloss had said he lived in Seoul; not far from Jimin's school too!; told his audience about a good few of his many many occupations. And Jimin hadn't even stopped to consider, being so looped and strung along by Suga; by Min; by Seoltang; by Yoongi.
He hadn't ever thought that the dorky college boy with a soft spot for good coffee, fresh boba, long study sessions, and warm mornings could ever be his MC.

After running away from his embarrassment- a hobby of his lately- he set a course for Taehyung's.

The street lights were all like small moons shimmering laughter and drunken mirages in the glittering black roads. The air smelt of smoke and filled his chest with something sharp and burning (a grand excuse for the ache in his heart).

He flopped like a fish back down the pavement as purple and pink speckled the altocumulus sky. He reached his best friend's place in little to no time; pressed the doorbell orange and rapped his knuckles red on the light wood door.
As soon as it opened up he was greeted with the tall sight of his best friend, finding that he nearly collapsed into the younger's arms.

"Jimin, Hoseok just told me about-"

"Can we please not talk about what happened. I'm the human epitome of trail mix right now. My heart is officially the soggiest of dried apricots and I'm in no mood for a whole-grain organic sit down about my feelings." The boy whined, moving in to press his nose into his best friend's chest. The volleyball player swung his arms around the shorter, not a single care in his mind when his shirt went wet with saltwater and snot.

"Nasty. I hate trail mix- only ever eat the cereal bits." Taehyung laughed before going serious again. "Be real with me though, Chim. Are you alright? Hobi sent me a text saying to look after you before you even sent a line."

"I don't know." Jimin said wetly. "Yoongi just told me something." He pulled away and looked up with dusty irises. "I'm so stupid and I'm so embarrassed TaeTae."
The tanned boy jut out his lower lip while baby talking his friend and kissing his forehead.
Jimin instantly felt a little better- the power of such a sunshine was truly a marvelous mystery.

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