Another Not Update: I Hope He...

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Before I get into this I would like to say that I have the next chapter done for this but I wanted to post this message onto my more recent stories and probably won't update until later.
I need some time to think and really process what has happened.
I woke up around five or six minutes ago and just read the news about SHINee's Jonghyun.
These boys were one of my first groups and I love and support all of them and during this time I hope they are well and can find some way to heal.
His passing sort of strung at a personal nerve, what with mental health and self worth being an issue at hand here.
I hope the entertainment industries of Korea take this as a bright light in the face of stuff like this. We lost a very talented, hardworking, beloved idol today. He did so well in what he did and spread so much love while he was alive. He did his best and reached beyond the expectations of any standard in my mind.

I feel sort of lost. I feel like I don't even deserve to be sad because in never really expressed how much this group meant to me or how much I love all of them. I should've expressed it more and I regret not doing so more often. My mind can't even seem to register it yet but I really hope he can rest comfortably now.
My deepest condolences go out to his family and to SHINee. I hope they are able to heal after this along with all the other idols who knew him and looked up to him. I hope they are safe in themselves as well, since I know often times something this tragic can lead to an outbreak of negative thoughts and everything else.
I also hope Shawols can get some sleep tonight because fuck knows I probably won't.
My heart feels so heavy I can hardly breath. My mum and sister just woke me up to go get our Christmas tree- waking up to this was such a shock and I'm truly heartbroken.
I don't know what to do right now. I'm not brave enough to play any of the clips of him being shown all over social media. I can't even bring myself to really accept it yet.

My love, respect, and adoration goes out to him for trying so hard to get help and being strong enough to get through all he could. All I can hear ringing in my ears is his laugh and his voice. All I can see is his smile. This is how I'm going to remember him- and not by his heart shattering end.

I really hope he's at ease now. We've lost a true sunshine today and I can't even begin to describe what he as well as all the other boys mean to me.
I hope he can rest.


"So goodbye, don't cry. And smile."

Thank you for your hard work

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