♪Simple Words♪

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Jimin Focus

Saturday rolled around sooner than Jimin thought. His classes were a blur and exams were passed up just as quick as they'd been handed out. Spring break was finally underway and Jimin planned to do absolutely nothing. A week of studying and cramming for their standardized testing and he and his friends were fried.

He was just getting himself cleaned up for the concert in the park, stepping into the hot water and relaxing his nervous body. He lathered a thick layer of white, frothy soap over his chest and down over his thighs. He smoothed back the small clumps of starchy blonde hair out of his face deep in thought.

Last Tuesday, he'd asked Yoongi if he'd heard about all of the bands playing- keeping coy while dusting off the shelves at Paper Planes (careful not to knock anything over)- Yoongi had gone stiff and fiddled with a few of the pages of a beaten up copy of Oliver Twist. The book store had just gotten in a few new donations from Namjoon the day before- mostly American novels- and while Jimin cleaned up the empty shelves in the back room, the dark root boy unloaded and checked the spine and other things of the sort before creating a pile for the younger to alphabetize on the wooden shelf.

"Nope. I'm busy that day so I didn't really look into it. It's not my kinda function." He mumbled, fixing his orange beanie over his head and going back to work; Cavetown's 'Green' humming in the background.

Jimin sighed. Hoseok told him today that Yoongi would definitely be showing up, not knowing they'd had such a conversation. At first he hadn't thought a thing about Yoongi's quick flip of a switch into going, but then he got to thinking....Had the snow angel boy lied to him? Was he hoping to avoid him- finally getting sick of him after all this time?
Jimin's chest clenched at the thought before shaking his wet head and furiously squeezing out a honey colored dollop of shampoo.

Why should he care if Yoongi didn't want to see him? Who's to say Jimin wanted to see him? Maybe he shouldn't got tonight.
No! His friends were performing and he was going. His parents were coming home tomorrow and he needed something to tire him out until tomorrow- where he'd hoped to meet up with Yoongi, maybe even tour the college.

He rinsed himself down and stepped out of the shower, drying his skin and smoothing some baby lotion on to keep himself glowing and hydrated. He stared himself down in the mirror, eye lingering on a few red seashells on his clean sandy-beach face; stubble marks like cat tails he'd cut down in a bit.

He did a quick shave and then moisturized his face, coming out refreshed and with only the smallest leap in his step as he balanced on his toes towards his closet.
To say he was nervous about the concert in the park was an understatement, and he wasn't even the one performing for fucks sake!
But, there was this feeling- it was small, but it'd been there for a good few weeks- nagging at the back of his mind.

Yoongi was hiding something and Jimin wanted to know what. The older snuck around and got nervous at the most random times- some of their shared friends cutting off sentences when Yoongi gave them The Look™. They'd be hanging out late at night- either at the pet store or café depending on their schedules- when all of the sudden he'd have to jet!
If that wasn't suspicious enough then Jimin had to be going crazy.

With the way his heart stuttered lately the idea wouldn't exactly be too outrageous.

Ah~ none of this makes sense. He thought to himself, slipping a pair of black briefs up over his calves and snug at his hips.

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