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Jimin Focus

"Bbrrvv." Jimin hissed, tucking his clothes closer to himself; arms constricting his ribs and knees pulled tight.
He sat outside on the fire escape, the sun was just about to come up and Jimin couldn't sleep.

Gloss's new song was going to be released any minute now. He was freezing and his whole body was prickling with the cold air latching onto him like a second blanket.
A chill ran through him as he peered back at his room; door locked and lights casting magical spirits around the room to keep him company. His fairy lights twinkled in his tired, sad eyes as the clouds of the day's storm slithered in low around the city.

His radio crackled and he had his phone in hand in case Tae was up to spam. His computer held the updates with the chat room bangers giving time change schedules for people listening in different places.

It wasn't long until Jimin took a deep breath. He could hear his parents walking in the door, just arriving home from their trip before having to head out again to start their day. The heavy clunk of his father's boots made him wince, running through his mind to try and remember if he really did in fact lock his door.

He turned the radio a bit lower and grabbed it, stretching the cable to go out on one of the fire escape steps.

"Hello everyone, this is MC Gloss and Welcome... To Bangtan." Jimin huddled up in his blanket with his ear pressed solid against the speaker to block out the rest of the white noise.

"The sun should be coming up right now. I just texted Jay and he said the weather is a bit cold. So bundle up for me, okay?" Jimin smiled; his chest burned so hot, steam rolled off of him in thick curling smoke, licking at his bare legs.

"I hope you guys like this next song. I- uh- well I spent a lot of time and thought on in- with it and..." Jimin held his breath, heart pounding in his ears so fast he probably could've passed out if he hadn't been waiting about half a year for this song.
"It's just a demo" The MC took in a shaky breath before puffing back out an airy laugh. "This doesn't really have a name yet, so I guess- I just hope you like it."
Jimin could've screamed; Gloss had never sounded so nervous about a song before.
The melody was crisp and smooth all in one- kind of like the crack of a soda can and the sip out of the foam at the top.
With the first intake of breath the small blonde boy was in love.
His heart soared and he closed his eyes. There it was.
The deep croak of voice that burst through Jimin's thick headphones, working just as well as makeshift earmuffs in the cold air.

"God." Jimin laughed breathlessly. He could feel it. It settled into his chest and nibbled endearingly at the edges of his heart- playing with the veins and nuzzling its cold nose against a valve while making his vision go starry with spots.
He could feel it everywhere: his toes, his legs, his knees, his stomach, his chest, his arms, his neck. Everywhere.
The songs draped itself over his tiny body, medallion blanket falling to the metal grade below him. The lyrics tickled the nape of his neck like the rapper himself was breathing just behind him- whispering the words into his ear. Only for him. Only ever just for him in moments like this.

Fingertips led goosebumps up the upper side of his arms and pecked warmth against his folded knees.
The song sounded so fond- so ferocious. Almost like the caster was angry, spitting out aggravated compliments and unspecified characteristics.

This is about his crush. Jimin thought offhandedly- not yet able to really process this information while the starstrike of the song was still shooting.

Jimin's head twirled, tilting the world on it's axis until the buildings were spun upside down into piano keys. Industrial grey contrast on a blue-yellow sky.
The daffodil boy rested his head against his window sill.

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