♪Keep Your Name♪

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Jimin Focus

Was it wrong to expect things to go anywhere but down after bad things happened?
The small brunet boy didn't think so.

It was the normal routine for him to wake up to find the small sticky note with his mother's handwriting telling him when they'd be home. He'd woken up to yet another week's empty kitchen and fridge mail holding fifty five thousand won.

Yoongi hadn't texted him once. He'd gotten over the initial sadness and anger within the past seven days and found himself missing the older more than he was angry at him.
He ran away from him- which he hated himself for- and thought that maybe the older would at least try to message him, but alas his notifications were empty apart from his SoundCloud notices from the same user: AugustBound.

Currently, he was sat quietly in his room with his gold and white blanket as a cape around his shoulders. He was editing a a song he'd just covered- it having been forever since he uploaded anything- and was listening to some lowfi playlists for inspiration.

School was let out and he'd walked home in a mood. He wanted to let out some of his stress and took to recording. Recently he'd gained a few followers on the app and had been putting off any new covers until now. His voice wasn't the greatest- in his opinion- compared to Tae's, but it was nice to roll his shoulders and let loose on the familiar notes and swings of broken lyrics.

The radio wasn't on in his room, but his headphones were in and his lights were aglow. Since it was beginning to warm up, all the lovely little plants on his shelves had begun to flourish and creep their delicate fingers along the spines of the books.
His mother's 'calming' rocks she'd gotten from his aunt recently glittered and shined in his window sill- blinking innocently when the sun swung its curvature lower and lower to the jazzy hum of Seoul's afternoon traffic.

His strings of lights cast shadows and outlines of a soft pink hue about the room. The sky was just starting to blush for its vast, dark and handsome partner and the sun had began to bid a bright farewell- its chaperoning no longer needed. It was getting darker and darker as he wasted time alone in his room.

Jimin knew his parents would be home any minute, so he'd taken the time to head down to the 24/7 market after school- thanking all things sacred that he'd chosen the day Yoongi wasn't on his shift to show up- and purchased his greatest binge food.

He checked the time and jumped to his socked feet, slipping and sliding like Tom Cruise in Risky Business to his fridge. Only he was just in his underwear.

He winced at the chilled choke of air that prickled the hairs on his arms and reached for the fresh two pints of Chocolate Therapy and Phish Food that'd had to refreeze after his grueling walk in the summer heat.

He fished out a fork from one of the drawers (all the spoons dirtied after a few days of dismissing his chores) and cut into the high calorie comfort.
He flipped out his phone and opened up to his Snow app. Waltzing back into his room with his arms full of dessert he collapsed back into his bed.

He flipped the camera to face himself, wincing at the sight he saw. His hair was a mess and his lips were a little swollen red from the constant biting and rolling from anxiety. His body felt grief for him, under eye bags showing so as he finally peeked at the little clock above the camera.


That couldn't have been possible. Last time he checked it was only eleven; he'd wasted two hours scrolling through tumblr and BTRadio chats.
He shook his head. How long had he moped after he got home? It felt like just a few minutes in and out of his emotionally-exhausted naps and activities, but he supposed the time flying wasn't all too bad a thing for the time being.

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