♪Break My Heart Again♪

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Jimin Focus

"♪It's a dangerous, a close call, holding on by a thread.♪"


"Fucks sake!" The brunet cried, flipping opened the sheets of his bed and waddling over to his door and swinging it open. He rushed his way through the living room, bumped his toe against the edge of the couch and cursed.


The person at the door was insistent and for a beat of a second Jimin was concerned someone was trying to get in to wreck his ass and steal his TV or something. He peeked through the peep hole with caution. The song that he'd woken up to did nothing to massage the alertness from his back.

"♪I don't have much patience- I can only see it as a temptation.♪"

The voices sounded familiar, he'd have to check in with Yoongi who it was later in case he missed writing the artists down (that was it he didn't already know them). 
Namjoon would definitely be casting his morning playlist at this time. Thank god for teacher days at his school along with the call he'd received at twelve fucking o'clock last night. Damn soulless secretary had given zero shits about the fact that people might be trying to sleep or listen to the radio.

"Jimin open up or I'll Tom Holland my fine spindly self off the streets in my underwear and onto your fire escape to-mfffff-" Hoseok's voice crackled from the other side, breaking off.

"We brought Chinese!" Dowoon supplied helpfully over his boyfriend. With a gurgle of his stomach and a side glance at the pink sticky and wad of notes stuck to the fridge, Jimin let them in.

Taehyung, Jae, Dowoon and Hobi all walked in and set down their things. Jimin felt a little crowded so early in the morning...- he checked the time on his phone- so late in the day, but they were already there and he could feel his stomach begin to eat him from the inside out.

"What's all this for?" He asked, bogarting the wonton and springroll package, crunching into two at once.

"It's bribery." Jae said casually, breaking his chopsticks.
Taehyung slapped him on the shoulder and dug into his chow mein and orange chicken, sipped his bubble tea like a drag queen before smiling sweetly.

"No, no, no. We just wanted to stop by. Hang out for a bit. Ask what the fuck went down at the genius lab, is all." He smirked.

Jimin glared at the fresh blonde. Of course that was their reason for coming over. He wished Mr. Lee would've been a little more skeptical and intrusive with them as he was with Yoongi. Unfortunately, he already knew the four nerdowells and had happily shot them a good evening wave, maintenance checking under the hood of his baby blue baby with Mrs. Chu still on her garden.

"Shoot us the tea already." Hobi rolled his eyes.

"There's nothing to tell." Jimin did the same before grabbing his own takeout box and digging in.

"C'mon. Don't be like that we totally saw you!"

They were awkward sitting side by side on the couch, Yoongi typing on his computer. And Jimin reading over his lines to better grip what he would be singing- though it was near impossible without any instrumental.

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