♪Demons 2/2♪

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Jimin Focus

Jimin was an absolute idiot.

He thought so about a billion times since getting back home, locking the door and crawling deep, deep into his blankets with the radio up and body stripped down to his boxers.

"Stop that." Yoongi'd blurted, feet shuffling unsurely while Jimin maneuvered around the toolbox at their feet, to their right- never breaking away from where he'd set his sights.

"Stop what, hyung?" He whispered, finally grabbing the older by his tank and dragging him in.

"Jimin." Yoongi whispered lowly- warningly. Their noses nuzzled against one another, gasps mingling together the closer they pressed.

"What?" He taunted, sliding his hands over the divots of the older's ribs.
Yoongi shivered and carded his thin fingers through Jimin's bangs, pushing them back out of his face.
The junior swore he could feel the black haired man's heart beating nearly twice the speed of his own.

Everything seemed to happen within mere seconds.
Yoongi's eyes fell down to Jimin, steadying himself at the wall behind them while the younger took a wavering step back into the corner.

Jimin was now caged in the stall, looking up at Yoongi with flushed cheeks, messy bangs, wide eyes and pouty lips. An unsteady breath fumbled from between Yoongi's tightly clenched teeth.

"You should be more careful about how your actions can affect other people, sweetheart." Yoongi growled; clear, broad, Daegu dialect slipping into his words and Jimin felt little light headed with knees wobbling into jello.


Yoongi held his hooded gaze- his cheeks a bit pink and pupils blown out while reaching those elegant, honey fingers out to tilt Jimin's chin ever so delicately. Almost like the slightly shorter boy were something precious. Treasured, even.

Jimin croaked a poor whine. His fingers hesitating before weakly reaching out to tug the college man in by the sides of his worn tank top.
Yoongi's hum of acknowledgement vibrated in Jimin's own chest and spread warmth down his neck.
His mind was moving a mile a minute, thinking about every possible outcome of this moment and then not thinking at all- slowly inching closer to the older boy with every passing moment. He couldn't hear the music. He couldn't hear anything except Yoongi: couldn't see anything, feel anything other than the boy in front of him.

Yoongi moved in, sliding his calloused, warm hands up Jimin's thighs and resting at his hips while Jimin wrapped a leg around back of the other boy's knee to get him closer. The older pulled off Jimin's jacket and tossed it behind him, finally able to ghost his fingers along the dip in the kid's back and along the waistline of his jeans. They stared at each other- eyes filled with want and longing that'd been kept in for far too long. Yoongi reached a hand up and tugged at the hair on the back of Jimin's head earning a short gasp while Jimin slung his arms over the other's shoulders.

I want to kiss him. Jimin realized. His body was too warm all over and Yoongi was too bewitching in the low light and cramped space. The younger loved having his hyung's hands all over him- even if they were carefully so, just grazing above all the right spots as if marking them for a later that Jimin knew wasn't likely to come.

They both probably looked thoroughly fucked out; cheeks pink and bodies pressed together leaving little to the imagination about how the locked stall and thick air was affecting them. Jimin's hips stuttered just forward enough to feel just how much it'd gotten to Yoongi- pointlessly praying the other couldn't feel his own growing problem below his restless, liquid-fire stomach.

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