♪By The Time You've Finished Your Coffee♪

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Jimin Focus

"Okay, Chim, you seriously need to just pick something." Hoseok groaned, plopping down face first into the blonde boy's pillow top mattress.
Jimin has set out three different outfits to pick from for the game. Often, the schools would let them in with their normal street clothes during fan events- the junior was convinced it was because last year Hoseok waltzed into third period with streamers, confetti and fun run paint in the school's color all over his uniform from the night prior's championships game. Poor, Miss. Lee about had a fit; her old, saggy cheeks shaking in repulsion.

"I narrowed it down, you're just seriously no help at all." Jimin pouted. He fiddled with the fabric from each shirt, deciding he should probably wear something thin since the gym would be warm, but still have something to bundle up in after the game.

He settled for his black skinnies, a plain white tee tucked into his waistline with a black and green flannel and jean jacket to keep from the cold. He shoved his feet into a pair of Doc Martins and decided that was as good as it was gonna get. He parted his hair and shimmied on a navy blue beanie to prevent his ears from getting cold on the walk there.
Brushing his teeth, smudging on some light eyeliner, and spraying a bit of cologne, he walked back into his room to find his friend exactly where he'd left him- now holding a shit eating smirk.

"Who're ya tryn'ta impress, hm~ Jimin?" He said in a greasy tone while arching a dark eyebrow.
"You never put in this much effort unless it's for concerts or some formal event with your family."

"Would you chill the fuck out. I just don't want to be all gross after school. I'm not trying to impress anyone."

"Then what's with the makeup?" Hobi cooed, getting up to pinch at his junior's cheeks. "Aww! My little Jimin is growing up so fast- leaving the nest. Soon enough Tae will have someone too and I'll be all alone." He faux cried, holding a dramatic hand to his chest whilst gripping at the shorter boy's shoulder.

"You won't be alone. I have nobody in mind that I'm trying to impress. I just wanna look nice for once." Jimin scoffed. "Besides- don't act like you didn't put that extra effort into styling your hair. Who're you trying to impress?" He shoved at the other boy playfully, dodging the hand coming down to mess with his cap and checked himself in the mirror of his closet.

"My damn self." He guffawed. "I look hot as shit. Like I'm fuckin' it up tonight. That other school has no chance at keeping their eyes on the ball when I walk in." Jimin rolled his eyes while the other boy strut about the room, eye-fucking his own reflection and posing.

"Gucci? I don't know her." Jimin laughed. "Only Jung Hoseok."

"Seriously though." Hobi asked, laying a hand on the shorter boy's shoulder.

"Please, you know I only have eyes and ears for Gloss anyways. Who would I be trying to impress?" He smiled teasingly.
Hoseok gave him a meaningful look, smile tugging at the corners of his heart-shaped lips just like always.

"Mhm." He hummed, checking his phone and motioning for them to head out.
The volleyball game didn't start for another hour, but Jimin knew Tae would be well on his way to a panic attack if they didn't help him let off some steam before hand.

On their way to the school, the pair picked up some drinks and small snacks to sneak into the gym. Jimin eyed a few of the gummy bags hanging tantalizingly next to the equally as good option of hard candies.
He adjusted his cap and hit out his hip, arms crossed as he tried to decide.

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