♪Paper Love♪

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Jimin Focus

Jimin sat in the middle of Velvet Brew as the leaves outside began to turn. It was a Friday which meant Tae had volleyball practice once again and Hoseok was free to chatter away about whatever new dance vine he'd discovered on the internet.

"Jimin you don't understand! They're twins!" The red haired boy insisted, eyes wider than the sun and sparkling just enough to make a Kardashian earing jealous.
Jimin just shook his head with an unbelieving grin, typing away notations for his English homework and watching voice compilations of Gloss and Randa.

"You writing fanfics, Jiminie?" The dancer smirked, wiggling his brows suggestively.

"What!?" The brunet screeched, slamming his laptop shut. Several other cafe goers looked over with disapproving grimaces while others just went back to their own devices. Jimin reached over across his table and hit his tiny hands against his elder's shoulder. "No I am not writing fanfiction!" He whisper-yelled, landing a slap between every word.

"Okay, okay. You're not." The other laughed. Jimin took a sip of his scalding hot coffee and winced before going back to his assignment, not leaving out a horrific attempt at looking mad towards his sunflower friend.

The entrance at the front of the cafe seemed to ring almost nonstop with the rapid flux of in and out going patrons. It was growing colder in the city and soon enough it would be time for thick scarves, oversized sweatshirts and beanies.

Autumn had to be his favorite season- not only because he could fill his room with candles and sit in his room listening to Spooky Scary Skeletons while two gay (A/N: I'm sorry, but let's be honest- Phan conspiracies and baking vids in fall are everything) YouTubers cooked brownies- he could drink tea without sweating, walk around his house with festive, fluffy socks on and (most of all) he could listen to Gloss's autumn playlists and fall asleep swaddled in blankets, pretending he was right there with him.

"I wish it were October already." The brunet sighed, small hand running through his brown hair.

"Not me man. I'm all about going to the cherry blossom festivals and going swimming. You're just a dedicated hipster." The elder cackled, nearly spilling Jimin's drink all over the table.

"Can't argue with that." The younger shrugged. It wasn't that simply put though. Jimin loved when the leaves turned warm as the air grew cold.

He loved when the steam floated hauntingly through the crisp morning over passerbyer's coffee cups. He loved sitting closer to his friends to keep warm. He loved sleepless nights with the golden trees hissing against his window- begging to come in. He loved football games- even if their team sucked major ass- and talking to the band kids as they rubbed the shako marks away from their foreheads. He loved playing mafia out by the browning soccer fields with the rest of the mathletes while Hobi and Dowoon played soccer and cautiously tiptoed around each other with shy glances. He loved sneaking out with his friends on school nights just to go hang out at the bookstore with Jae and Taehyung- watching Ghibli movies as the rain fell. He loved his favorite radio host's melted maple syrup voice croaking out through his headphones in the autumn lull of the night.

"Hey, I have a job interview in a few on the other side of town." Hoseok beamed, tapping an unknown beat against the table.

"Really?" The younger quirked incredulously. "Where?"

"It's a secret." The redhead giggled, standing up to take his leave (not forgetting to ruffle his dongsaeng's hair.)

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