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Jimin Focus

Jimin walked out of school with a migraine.

This was nothing unusual, especially for a Wednesday afternoon. The kid- Jonghyun?- kept yelling and laughing with his friends and knocking over desks during their free period (Also known as when the short brunet took the liberty of avoiding his homework like the plague and instead listening to the soothing honeysuckle voice of his favorite radio host)

"Jesus!" Jimin groaned indignantly just as the tall dark haired one crashed against his desk, thereby knocking off all his stuff and littering the ground with papers from his bio folder.

"Oh, sorry man-"

"Minho!" One of the others laughed, bumping into him and falling over the table together. Jonghyun collapsed over a young looking fellow with medium length blonde hair with small fits of airy giggles.

On any other day, the junior would've been amused, but knowing his mother would probably be home late again only soured his soy milk mood.

Jimin was pissed. He took a deep breath, ripped out his shitty sound-blocking headphones, picked up his stuff and walked out. The class representative- Keybum- looked at him with a lazy squint before going back to drinking out of his water bottle (Probably filled with vodka or maybe even dish washer soap. Who knew.) Jimin set off down the hallway, hands shoved into his pockets and backpack slung over a single shoulder. Pens and other utensils clicked against his metal pencil case in his lower pocket and echoed white noise down the hall- falling in melody with the squeak of distant slippers and the hoots and howls of the PE class in the field outside the window. Jimin clicked the radio app and clicked on the previous cast that was always playing in recommended for the people who couldn't stay up; like clockwork.

"♪My eyes say, 'I like you'. Why don't you feel it? My face is so obvious. Are you gonna keep acting ambiguous'; Just laugh it over? Is this what you're going to do everyday? Please do something to my heart that is only growing. I can't stop loving you.♪" The song ended and Jimin sighed a bit, wishing he'd gone onto the app sooner and saved himself the struggle of remembering the lyrics and looking them up later. If only he knew Gloss in real life. Then he could talk about music with him and get recommendations whenever he wanted. "That was 'I'm Serious' By Day6-"

"Thank god." He sighed. Bless MC Gloss for always letting his listeners know. "Hm. He's been favoring this Day6..." The small boy murmured to himself, tripping a bit on the white tile hallways and looking around with scarlet cheeks. A group of girls watched him with silent giggles as he lowered his head in embarrassment and continued on.

God he hated these damn school required slippers. What was even worse was that every year they never had them in his size.

If Gloss went to his school he'd probably be around to catch him whenever he slipped like this...

No. Jimin shook his head, causing his hair to floof off to either side as his face scrunched up.

In all reality, he'd probably laugh at how clumsy the short junior was and tease him about it until he got lightheaded from the embarrassment. Gloss seemed so put together over the radio, no matter how many stories he told about how he'd fallen into the side of his desk and bruised his hip bone, or how he'd slipped and sliced his ear open on the side of the door handle. The radio host seemed ethereal to him; he could do no wrong in Jimin's eyes no matter if he knew him personally or not.

Jimin often wondered how tall Gloss was- He stopped for a moment once he reached the end of the hall. The MC was probably tall- judging by the vibrato in his voice- probably bleached hair and blue contacts just like the chat always says. He's probably at least six feet tall and has a dazzling smile and vibrant personality.

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