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Jimin Focus

The next morning, the young blonde had awoken to the smell of coffee brewing and his father's deep voice shaking the walls of his room- echoing off the glass windows and vibrating the doors near off their hinges.

Jimin clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth together and rolling over onto his stomach to check the time on his radio.

6:30 and that prick feels the need-

"I'm serious, that guy just doesn't deserve to be the head of product management. He's a complete brown nose- you- you saw my presentation a few days ago, didn't you? I mean, I don't like to brag but-"

Course you do. Jimin rolled his eyes. If it wasn't about work, it was about politics- and Jimin honestly would rather slit his own throat than have to deal with either topics this early in the morning.

"I mean, not that's you'd get it Jiyeon, but I've done a hell've a lot a work over a few years. I deserve that damn 16 position." His father rumbled with an arrogant laugh, always so astonished with himself. "I'd explain it simply, but you probably couldn't- can't even begin to imagine the level of work I do for that company." Jimin could feel the man's snide smirk as he ate breakfast (probably made by his mother because the guy was like a damn toddler; couldn't be bothered to do anything for himself) and it made the junior drag his nails down his sheets.

He let out a low, feral growl into his pillow before taking a deep breath and snorting it out like some kind of crazed animal, grabbing his phone.

BlueberryBastard: morning
BlueberryBastard: its kinda early, you're probably not even awake- I just woke up, but
BlueberryBastard: when should I pick you up?

Jimin's posture fell limp and weak, heart growing ever lighter imagining the older boy all snuggled in his bed, blankets kicked around, face soft and charcoal hair a curly mess. A pathetic whine fell from his lips, crushing his face back into his pillow before rolling around for a bit just to get rid of the giddy energy tittering through his nervous system.

Morning Jimin's mood doing a real 360 spin.

You: I can be ready in fifteen ( :
You: you need directions?

BlueberryBastard: nah, I thought I'd just walk around Seoul with a neon sign with 'Jimin' in bold pink font and a megaphone. : )
BlueberryBastard: what do you think, pumpkin?

Jimin smiled to himself, unconsciously hiding it behind his hand before sending his location and hopping in the shower. He washed up quick, staring at himself in the mirror and tugging at a strand of his faded blonde hair and black roots.
He sent a selfie to Taehyung asking if he could come over to his place to dye his hair after their study session.
He got dressed in a pair of washed out skinnies, a navy blue hoodie, and slipped into a pair of sandals with mismatched socks underneath them.

After a quick look in the floor length mirror next to his desk, Jimin sighed to himself. He looked a bit ridiculous, but he was gonna be at a college campus- he honestly doubted anyone would care how he looked. He shimmied on a maroon beanie and sprayed some cologne, popping a strip of cinnamon gum in his mouth for good measure before grabbing his wallet and house keys.

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