♪Stupid Songs♪

9.7K 708 593

Jimin Focus

A deep breath could barely be heard over the mid morning traffic of Seoul city.
Taehyung was stood right behind him in his practice shorts and jersey- just having come from summer session in their school's starch smelling gym.

Jimin's hands quaked at his sides, running his thumb anxiously along the seam of his uniform as he stared at the crack installed doorbell.

"You can do this, Chim." Tae puffed, giving several too hard, fighting pats on the small lad's back.
And he was right! The brunet could do it.

The studio look a lot less intimidating in the morning. The lights were no longer an overly bright pink and purple in his eyes. All the drunkards had gone home for the most part- the homeless crotches away in the alleyways or out in their rounds of the city looking for gullible tourists to pickpocket.

The Ars Longs Vita Brevis sign spoke to him.

Art is long, life is short.
In other words: his life was short- Jimin had experienced how short it could really be first hand. He had to take this opportunity- awkward tension be damned- and start doing what he'd always wanted to do, but never imagined was possible.
People would be hearing him. Sure, he'd probably be just a brief back up in some song that Namjoon or Yoongi had produced, but it was something.

Jimin could continue being the little pathetic high schooler following his hyungs around, or, he could carry his own weight by actually being a part of something.

"Okay." He rolled his shoulders and aired out his hands. He slipped out the red gum packet and unfoiled a single strip to pop past his lips. "Alright. You're right. I can. I can do this."

Gosh, the view from the other side of the window must've been a right treat for anyone watching him through the chip in the blinds.
The morning was cool, but Jimin was not. The mid morning traffic lights felt like they were eating him- the ones closest to the radio station all shut down and left on the alarmed flickering of the red. The stop light was teasing him- blinking in time with Jimin's own heartbeat.

His hands were already sweaty enough without the humidity moving in from the west out by the ocean. The seagulls, however, did make him feel a bit better- but the few magpies eying him from the very devilish heights of the skyscrapers did keep him just a bit on edge.

The black, beady eyed spots glare at him; challenged him to Press it. We dare ya. Do it, do it. The foreboding caws chanted over and over

Finally, after much hugging and sighing from Taehyung and his ADD, impatient little self, Jimin gently pressed a small thumb into the bell.
The response was immediate.

"'Bout damn time, come on in." Jin rolled his eyes, unlocking the screen gate and allowing the two in. "Jesus, Jungkook and Hobi were about about to start a gamble of when you'd finally ring in a few seconds. Count yourself lucky, cause I was gonna wager against you at an hour and a half."

"I was gonna say close to two more hours." Hobi chimed in, head ducked and busied with a text (probably to Dowoon).

"I called thirty more minutes." Jungkook smiled, teeth grazing his lower lip his bunny nose twitching into a crinkle.
Namjoon walked out from the other hallway and dusted his hands together as soon as he saw the two.

"So.... you guys are in?" He asked, looking between the two. Taehyung had himself sat between his freshman's thick thighs while the younger nosed over his jugular.

"Yep." The tanner boy squeaked. Jimin smirked- Jungkook resting his hands at the older's waist and squeezing at the older's hip bones. The dazed, stupid grin was enough to tell the other junior that his best friend was in way too deep for the kid. He silently wished them both luck.

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