♪Gasoline 1/2♪

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Jimin Focus

(A/N: oml I'm sweating 😂😂)

Waking up to an empty bed two days later had to be one of the worst feelings Jimin could honestly say he'd experienced.
By the flirtatious winks coming from his clock it was already mid-day; when Yoongi had left, the brownie haired junior hadn't a clue, but it had to've been a good several hours.

What he did know was that his parents had abandoned him along the rickety dirt road of their marriage's downfall. He hadn't gotten any messages, calls or smoke signals from either of them to tell him when they'd be home and he was starting to worry about his mother. He hoped she wasn't alone and that she was safe.

If it weren't for his dark haired company from the previous few days he didn't think he could speak the same for himself. It was pure good luck that the older had been at his aid once again when his father fell out of line.

Now, after two warm nights, his bed was cold and his house was silent. Yoongi was clearly gone and with it the whisper of his promising to stay at the back the young lover boy's mind. He'd kept it of course... but Jimin wished he could've kept it for a little longer.
He was pathetic. His pining was out of control; he already missed the feeling of the older holding him tight and the sound of his soft snores.

Things had been fine the day before: Yoongi and him had stayed in bed just like the younger lad had wanted. They slept- either in shifts or together since Yoongi did eventually have to show up to work. He brought the kid food from the brew and they shared a coffee while talking about what Jimin planned to do since he was approaching his senior year of high school. Yoongi would be a junior at uni by the time he was in college.

"You better work hard so we can go to the same college. I don't think we'll see much of each other otherwise." The dark haired boy said; sadly; indefinitely. As if for some reason he was already preparing for them to be rid of one another.
The mere hindering of a thought like that made Jimin sad too. Maybe it was for the best that the junior didn't take hold of Yoongi's hand like he wanted to, but the urge was still there- because the idea of them no longer hanging out was still there. He didn't want to think about letting the barista boy slip through his fingers- but if by chance that was what Yoongi wanted then Jimin couldn't deny his wishes.

Yoongi didn't love him. Jimin understood that much (or he presumed he did).
He wouldn't continue to hold him back if the older didn't want him around. The brunet would have to live with out him.

Still, whenever his soft hyung fell asleep, he'd trace his fingers down his spine. Push back the straggles of hair that fell into the older's face. Smooth his thumb over the beaut's lips and collarbones just for memory's sake.

Jimin looked around his room in his half consciousness and eye-spied a sticky note on his radio that had his insides feeling like they froze at a staggering -93 degrees.

Tune in 1:30 AM

- sG

Over the years, he'd gotten used to be left notes. Notes from Taehyung after a sleepover. Notes from his father that were printed out to make him feel small. Notes from his mother to tell him when she'd be home.

But a note from Yoongi: he wasn't sure whether to cherish it or dread it.

Tune in? Jimin wondered with skin prickling curiously.

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